Thank you so much PastaCats for the 24 months worth of supporter tags! Thank you so much phizh for the 5 months worth of supporter tags! Thank you so much xHirayuki for the 2 months worth of supporter tags! Thank you so much Nalian for the 2 months worth of supporter tags! Thank you so much Walfrid for the 2 months worth of supporter tags! Thank you so much Spazza17 for the 1 month worth of supporter tag! Thank you so much colecodez for the 1 month worth of supporter tag! Thank you so much Charitish for the 1 month worth of supporter tag! Thank you so much RedKing for the 1 month worth of supporter tag! Thank you so much Deolink for the 1 month worth of supporter tag! Thank you so much CyCeph for the 1 month worth of supprter tag! Thank you so much isy- for the 1 month worth of supporter tag!
Hii I'm Ceress and you can call me Res (pronounced like “rest” with silent “t”) My playstyle is mouse-only, I use my mouse to aim and click circles to the beat. Players that inspired me to start playing mouse-only are Riviclia and gasanww.
If you are reading this text and your playstyle is mouse-only, you can dm me on discord or in game to get an invitation to the mouse-only community discord server.
The people are friendly, and we talk about a lot of stuff! Sometimes there are events such as tournaments and we also like to spend our time playing in multi lobby together
[25 December 2020] Spazza tried to guess what my rank is by watching my personal best play ever that I submitted on his discord server, go check it out!!! ▼ click the image below, it'll redirect you to YouTube ▼ ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
[12 November 2020] My favorite score that I'm really proud of!!! Reset My Refrain 1.9k combo with 97% accuracy using mouse-only XD This is probably my peak 5 digit career, idk what can top this score for me tbh. ▼ click the image below, it'll redirect you to YouTube ▼