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Yaz's Summer Cup 2018

YSC 2018 logo

Yaz's Summer Cup 2018 (YSC 2018) was a 1v1 double-elimination osu! tournament hosted by Yazzehh. It was the second instalment of Yaz's Summer Cup.

Tournament schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2018-05-13/2018-06-09
Qualifiers/Round of 124 2018-06-16/2018-06-17
Group stage drawings 2018-06-18
Group stage 2018-06-23/2018-07-01
Round of 32 2018-07-07/2018-07-08
Round of 16 2018-07-14/2018-07-15
Quarterfinals 2018-07-21/2018-07-22
Semifinals 2018-07-28/2018-07-29
Finals 2018-08-04/2018-08-05
Grand Finals 2018-08-11/2018-08-12


Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown $250, profile badge
Silver crown $125
Bronze crown $75
4th place $50

YSC 2018 winner badge


Yaz's Summer Cup 2018 was run by various community members.


See the participants sheet for a list of all 124 initial participants.


This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:

Placing Player
Gold crown Bubbleman
Silver crown Yaong
Bronze crown Doomsday
4th place Apraxia


Grand Finals




Round of 16

Round of 32

Group stage

Qualifiers / Round of 124

Match results

Grand Finals

Grand Final

Sunday, 12 August 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Bubbleman 4 7 Yaong #1
Yaong 6 7 Bubbleman #1

Losers Final

Saturday, 11 August 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Yaong 7 3 Doomsday #1


Winners Finals

Saturday, 4 August 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Yaong 4 6 Bubbleman #1

Losers Bracket Round 6

Saturday, 4 August 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Doomsday 6 3 Teppi #1
Apraxia 6 4 fieryrage #1

Losers Semifinals

Sunday, 5 August 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Doomsday 6 4 Apraxia #1


Winners Semifinals

Saturday, 28 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Yaong 6 4 Apraxia #1

Thursday, 2 August 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Doomsday 5 6 Bubbleman #1

Losers Bracket Round 4

Saturday, 28 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Angel Arrow 3 6 DigitalHypno #1
BeasttrollMC 3 6 fieryrage #1
Shiny Chariot 0 6 Teppi #1

Sunday, 29 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
My Love Saoie 5 6 Xilver #1

Losers Bracket Round 5

Sunday, 29 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Xilver 4 6 Teppi #1
DigitalHypno 2 6 fieryrage #1



Sunday, 22 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Yaong 5 0 Shiny Chariot #1
Angel Arrow 3 5 Doomsday #1
Bubbleman 5 3 BeasttrollMC #1
My Love Saoie 1 5 Apraxia #1

Losers Bracket Round 2

Thursday, 19 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
QbaDoo 1 0 Malolat #1

Friday, 20 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Woey 2 5 DigitalHypno #1

Saturday, 21 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Xilver 5 1 Jordan The Bear #1
Chamosiala 5 4 -NeBu- #1
fieryrage 5 2 Azer #1
Karthy 5 0 sut_son #1
Teppi 5 2 davidqu2 #1

Sunday, 22 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Bloo 5 3 Piggey #1

Losers Bracket Round 3

Sunday, 22 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Chamosiala 0 5 Teppi #1
DigitalHypno 5 2 QbaDoo #1
Karthy 2 5 Xilver #1
Bloo 1 5 fieryrage #1

Round of 16

Round of 16

Saturday, 14 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Shiny Chariot 1 0 Bloo forfeit
BeasttrollMC 5 3 Chamosiala #1
Karthy 2 5 Doomsday #1

Sunday, 15 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Apraxia 5 1 Woey #1
fieryrage 1 5 Yaong #1
Xilver 2 5 Angel Arrow #1
Bubbleman 5 3 Teppi #1
QbaDoo 4 5 My Love Saoie #1

Losers Bracket Round 1

Saturday, 14 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
davidqu2 1 0 Num5119 forfeit
CeilingWaffle 1 5 Malolat #1
Azer 1 0 Woffel forfeit

Sunday, 15 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Flaven 4 5 -NeBu- #1
likejaxirl 4 5 Piggey #1
conradmittn 0 1 sut_son forfeit
DigitalHypno 5 2 MrBooM #1

Monday, 16 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Alien 4 5 Jordan The Bear #1

Round of 32

Saturday, 7 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Piggey 2 5 Angel Arrow #1
Chamosiala 5 2 Malolat #1
Doomsday 5 3 Woffel #1
Bloo 5 2 Jordan The Bear #1
Teppi 5 3 MrBooM #1
My Love Saoie 5 4 -NeBu- #1

Sunday, 8 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
BeasttrollMC 5 1 CeilingWaffle #1
sut_son 1 5 Yaong #1
Apraxia 5 3 davidqu2 #1
Flaven 3 5 QbaDoo #1
Alien 3 5 Shiny Chariot #1
Bubbleman 5 4 DigitalHypno #1
Xilver 5 0 likejaxirl #1
Azer 0 5 Karthy #1
Woey 5 4 Num5119 #1

Monday, 9 July 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
fieryrage 5 1 conradmittn #1

Group stage

Group A

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
sut_son 1 0 Malolat forfeit
sut_son 0 4 Natori Sana #1
sut_son 4 2 Principe #1
Malolat 4 3 Natori Sana #1
Malolat 4 1 Principe #1
Natori Sana 0 1 Principe forfeit

Group B

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Piggey7 1 0 Kurogami forfeit
Piggey 2 4 Teppi #1
Piggey 4 0 Topsp1n #1
Kurogami 0 1 Teppi forfeit
Kurogami 0 4 Topsp1n forfeit
Teppi 4 1 Topsp1n #1

Group C

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Yaong 4 0 Wario #1
Yaong 2 4 Woey #1
Yaong 4 0 Jensen #1
Wario 2 4 Woey #1
Wario 0 4 Jensen #1
Woey 4 1 Jensen #1

Group D

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
BeasttrollMC 4 2 conradmittn #1
BeasttrollMC 4 2 GranDSenpai #1
BeasttrollMC 4 2 _Kyori #1
conradmittn 4 2 GranDSenpai #1
conradmittn 4 2 _Kyori #1
GranDSenpai 2 4 _Kyori #1 mid-match forfeit

Group E

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Donkey Kong 0 1 Moreon forfeit
Donkey Kong 0 1 My Love Saoie forfeit
Donkey Kong 0 1 likejaxirl forfeit
Moreon 0 4 My Love Saoie #1
Moreon 0 4 likejaxirl #1
My Love Saoie 4 3 likejaxirl #1

Group F

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Karthy 3 4 Bloo #1
Karthy 1 4 Exarch #1
Karthy 4 0 zelda101 #1
Bloo 4 3 Exarch #1
Bloo 4 0 zelda101 #1
Exarch 4 2 zelda101 #1

Group G

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Xilver 4 1 OPJames #1
Xilver 4 2 Shiny Chariot #1
Xilver 4 0 MyAngelMiku #1
OPJames 2 4 Shiny Chariot #1
OPJames 4 2 MyAngelMiku #1
Shiny Chariot 4 1 MyAngelMiku #1

Group H

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Bubbleman 4 1 Num5119 #1
Bubbleman 1 0 Lexion forfeit
Bubbleman 4 0 alkalde #1
Num5119 4 2 Lexion #1
Num5119 1 0 alkalde forfeit
Lexion 4 0 alkalde #1

Group I

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Flaven 4 3 he rack #1
Flaven 4 2 CeilingWaffle #1
Flaven 1 0 Bartek22830 forfeit
he rack 1 4 CeilingWaffle #1
he rack 1 0 Bartek22830 forfeit
CeilingWaffle 1 0 Bartek22830 forfeit

Group J

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Alien 1 0 -NeBu- forfeit
Alien 4 2 _YuriNee #1
Alien 4 1 Electovoid #1
-NeBu- 4 3 _YuriNee #1
-NeBu- 1 0 Electovoid forfeit
_YuriNee 4 3 Electovoid #1

Group K

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
MrBooM 1 4 Doomsday #1
MrBooM 1 0 Monk Gyatso forfeit
MrBooM 4 0 Eta Carinae #1
Doomsday 1 0 Monk Gyatso forfeit
Doomsday 4 0 Eta Carinae #1
Monk Gyatso 0 1 Eta Carinae forfeit

Group L

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Skydiver 4 2 FGSky #1
Skydiver 2 4 Angel Arrow #1
Skydiver 1 4 QbaDoo #1
FGSky 3 4 Angel Arrow #1
FGSky 0 1 QbaDoo forfeit
Angel Arrow 4 1 QbaDoo #1

Group M

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Apraxia 4 1 Jordan The Bear #1
Apraxia 4 0 Tiger Claw #1
Apraxia 4 0 z0mbir #1
Jordan The Bear 4 1 Tiger Claw #1
Jordan The Bear 4 3 z0mbir #1
Tiger Claw 0 1 z0mbir forfeit

Group N

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Azer 4 2 Woffel #1
Azer 4 2 Betwin #1
Azer 4 0 Saika- #1
Woffel 1 0 Betwin forfeit
Woffel 4 1 Saika- #1 #2
Betwin 4 2 Saika- #1

Group O

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
fieryrage 4 1 GSBlank #1
fieryrage 4 0 DigitalHypno #1
fieryrage 4 2 respektive #1
GSBlank 1 4 DigitalHypno #1
GSBlank 4 0 respektive #1
DigitalHypno 4 1 respektive #1

Group P

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
zonelouise 0 4 Chamosiala #1
zonelouise 0 4 Cappy #1
zonelouise 3 4 davidqu2 #1
Chamosiala 4 2 Cappy #1
Chamosiala 1 0 davidqu2 forfeit
Cappy 0 1 davidqu2 forfeit

Round of 124

Saturday, 16 June 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
CeilingWaffle 4 3 Daanit #1
Yaong 4 0 FknRhythmGames #1
Jordan The Bear 4 1 Mousiini #1
Monk Gyatso 4 1 [Jet] #1
Alien 4 0 Morrowind #1
Big Z 1 4 _Kyori #1
GSBlank 1 0 Lucker96 forfeit
-NeBu- 4 1 M-Osu #1
Rimuru 3 4 _YuriNee #1
yeilowy246 0 4 likejaxirl #1
POO ON MY SHOE 2 4 Electovoid #1
Chamosiala 4 0 fuji #1
Woffel 1 0 Kurosaki forfeit
Doomsday 4 1 GladiOol #1
respektive 4 3 xFluffyo #1
Piggey 4 0 Denk #1
Arnold24x24 0 1 sut_son forfeit
Apraxia 4 1 djsettle #1
Eddie- 3 4 Betwin #1
Qbadoo 4 1 Akane Hime #1
Diddy Kong 3 4 Moreon #1
MyAngelMiku 4 1 --w-- #1
MrBooM 4 0 mindovermanners #1
BeasttrollMC 4 2 SiYes #1
Fl0nka 0 4 DigitalHypno #1
[Bloo] 4 2 My Angel Sana #1
My Love Saoie 4 2 phalanx #1
White Tiger 1 4 zelda101 #1

Sunday, 17 June 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Angel Arrow 4 3 M I L E S #1
Freddie Benson 3 4 zonelouise #1 mid-match forfeit
GranDSenpai 1 0 Coni forfeit
principe 1 0 Blazink forfeit
Shiny Chariot 4 0 - Heatwave - #1
Flaven 4 0 Eurus #1
Esemoka57 3 4 Natori Sana #1
Vento 3 4 Teppi #1
davidqu2 4 3 Muuki #1
Skydiver 4 0 Aries #1
Kurogami 4 1 [-Neon-] #1
wooz 1 4 Bartek22830 #1
Malolat 4 2 KupcaH #1
Lexion 4 0 RivenXLukario #1
Xilver 4 0 GaaL #1
Hranolka 0 1 Jensen forfeit
Hot Korean Girl 2 4 z0mbir #1
he rack 4 1 Morfeusz #1
Tiger Claw 4 3 -Lolisim- #1
Exarch 1 0 Irishy forfeit
Bubbleman 4 0 moondust #1
alkalde 4 1 helix #1
Eta Carinae 4 0 Leebs #1 mid-match forfeit
Wario 4 1 BobbyZlich #1
Saika- 1 0 Erick forfeit
Woey 4 0 Yamato Hotel #1
Karthy 4 1 Ryuuko Matoi #1
OPJames 4 0 zebarkez #1
Num5119 4 2 Kyruem #1
fruit punch 0 1 conradmittn forfeit
Cappy 4 0 [Astro] #1

Monday, 18 June 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
fieryrage 4 0 Apo11o #1

Tuesday, 19 June 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
FGSky 4 1 PwnagePotato #1

Thursday, 21 June 2018:

Player 1 Player 2 Match link
TopSp1n 4 3 Shiratu #1


  • This tournament is a 1v1 international osu! tournament.
  • This tournament will consist of 128 players.
  • Matches will be head to head, with score v2 as the scoring system used.
  • There will be no rank limit on sign-ups, however if we reach 120 sign-ups we will take the top 120 players in terms of rank.
  • The Top 4 from YSC 2017 ( Donkey Kong, Toy, Cookiezi and Azer) all have automatic qualifications into the Group Stage should they accept their invitation.
  • Ranks will be taken and locked when registrations have concluded
  • Anyone who does sign up must be able to play maps with a difficulty of at least 5*.
  • Host, co-hosts, referees, schedulers, and mappool selectors are not permitted to sign up for the tournament.
  • All players must treat staff and other participants with a high level of respect, any kind of mistreatment in a match or on the discord (this includes extreme toxicity, racism, homophobia) will result in a ban and will be blacklisted from participating in future installments of this tournament.
  • Where rules do not prevail, common sense shall. The administration has explicit discretion to apply their judgement on this as they see fit.
  • Each stage will be held on a Saturday/Sunday. Schedules and mappools will be released on the Monday/Tuesday before that stage is due to happen, to allow for reschedules.
  • Reschedules will be allowed if both players agree on a time and provide proof of the agreed reschedule to hosts/co-hosts/scheduling team.
  • Please be aware that reschedules must be submitted before 23:59UTC Friday before a round is due to happen. Any submissions later than this will not be considered.
  • In order for your registration to count, you must fill out the form provided, join the Discord server and change your Discord username to your osu! username.

General rules

  • Referees will create the lobby and invite players 10 minutes before the match is due to start.
  • Any player that fails to show up 10 minutes after a match is due to start will forfeit the match and a win by default will be awarded to the other player.
  • Failure to attend a match without a valid reason may result in being blacklisted from participating in future tournaments.
  • The referee will have host at all times during the match. The only exception are for picking warm-ups.
  • Players will have 90 seconds to ban a map. Failure to ban a map after this time will result in a loss of a ban.
  • Players will have 90 seconds to pick a map. Failure to pick a map after this time will result in the pick being passed to their opponent.
  • Disconnects during the first 30 seconds of the map will result in the map being replayed. Any disconnections after this will result in a forfeit of that map.
  • Players are only allowed to disconnect once per match. Anything after this will result in the match being forfeited to the other player.
  • Any attempts to stall the match, show toxicity or spam during the match will result in a warning. Failure to comply with this rule again will result in a point being awarded to another player.
  • In a FreeMod pick, both players must choose a mod (HD/HR/EZ) or a combination of these mods.
  • The score of a player who failed during a map but managed to revive before the end will be counted as if it were a pass.
  • The score of a player who is in failed state when the map has finished will be counted as 0.
  • If both players fail, the highest failed score will win the map.
  • If there is a tie, the tiebreaker will be played to determine the winner of that match (mods are available during the tiebreaker).
  • At the end of the match, you are free to leave the lobby.

Qualifiers and Group stage

  • There will be no warm-ups and one ban per player.
  • Players will roll once. The winner of that roll will ban and pick first.
  • In groups, there will be one top, one high, one mid and one low seeded player per group, which will be drawn randomly.
  • During these stages, players are not allowed to choose from the same mod bracket (HD/HR/DT/FreeMod) twice in a row. This excludes the NoMod and FreeMod pool.
  • The top 2 players from each group will make it through to the knockout stage.

Knockout stages

  • Seeding for knockouts will be as follows: Group A #1 vs Group B #2 etc.
  • In this stage, there will be warm-ups and 2 bans per player.
  • Players will roll once. The winner will have the first warm-up, first ban and first pick.
  • In these stages, players are free to pick from any mod bracket.