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4 Digit Player Tournament Season 6

4DPT6 banner

The 4 Digit Player Tournament Season 6 (4DPT6) was a double-elimination 1v1 osu!catch tournament hosted by Ekseff, bvyans, [Eun] and Constantine. The tournament was open to players between the rank range of #1,000 - #5,000 in osu!catch. It was the sixth edition of the 4 Digit Player Tournament.

Tournament Schedule

Event Timestamp
Registration phase 2024-02-01/2024-02-15
Screening phase 2024-02-16/2024-02-22
Qualifiers 2024-02-23/2024-02-25
Round of 64 2024-03-01/2024-03-03
Round of 32 2024-03-08/2024-03-10
Round of 16 2024-03-15/2024-03-17
Quarterfinals 2024-03-22/2024-03-24
Semifinals 2024-03-29/2024-03-31
Finals 2024-04-05/2024-04-07
Grand Finals 2024-04-12/2024-04-14


Placing Prize(s)
Gold crown 1 year of osu!supporter, custom tournament banner, unique profile badge
Silver crown 6 months of osu!supporter, custom tournament banner
Bronze crown 4 months of osu!supporter, custom tournament banner

4DPT6 winner badge


The 4 Digit Player Tournament Season 6 was run by various community members all over the world.


Listed below are the players who have qualified into the Round of 64 (grouped in batches of eight seeds) out of 85 participating players in total.

The full final standings for the Qualifier stage can be found on this website.


This competition has come to an end and resulted in the following podium:

Placing Player
Gold crown EzyS
Silver crown SadEgg
Bronze crown log out side


Grand Finals

Download the mappack here! (129.2 MB)


The complete list of sightread maps can be found in this Google Sheet.

Download the mappack here! (116 MB)

Download the sightread mappack here! (270 MB)


Download the mappack here! (104.5 MB)


Download the mappack here! (140.5 MB)

Round of 16

Download the mappack here! (101 MB)

Round of 32

Download the mappack here! (97.6 MB)

Round of 64

Download the mappack here! (89 MB)


Download the mappack here! (90.6 MB)

Match results

Grand Finals

Saturday, 13 April 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Lower SadEgg 7 3 log out side #1

Sunday, 14 April 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper EzyS 7 2 SadEgg #1


Saturday, 6 April 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Lower Touca 1 7 MauriciOSU #1
Lower log out side 7 5 ZeroKungz #1

Sunday, 7 April 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Lower MauriciOSU 2 7 log out side #1
Upper SadEgg 1 7 EzyS #1


Friday, 29 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper EzyS 6 4 log out side #1

Saturday, 30 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Lower MauriciOSU 6 5 my angel auto #1
Lower Nagato 3 6 David Podsiadlo #1
Lower giru HD 2 6 ZeroKungz #1
Lower Mixuri 3 6 13187berlin #1

Sunday, 31 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper SadEgg 6 0 Touca #1
Lower David Podsiadlo 5 6 ZeroKungz #1
Lower MauriciOSU 6 2 13187berlin #1


Friday, 22 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Lower kev aha x 1 6 David Podsiadlo #1

Saturday, 23 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper SadEgg 6 1 Nagato #1
Lower Green Ghost 0 6 dalyz #1
Lower Fuka Pura 6 2 uni_PF #1
Lower my angel auto 6 1 Fyunix #1
Lower Sorryc 4 6 ZeroKungz #1
Lower 13187berlin 6 3 -Enias- #1
Lower Fuka Pura 4 6 my angel auto #1
Lower SchmutzZz 0 1 Murasaki Shion win by default
Lower BitDust 0 1 Shamookie win by default

Sunday, 24 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper EzyS 6 1 MauriciOSU #1
Upper log out side 6 4 Mixuri #1
Upper giru HD 5 6 Touca #1
Lower dalyz 1 6 David Podsiadlo #1
Lower Murasaki Shion 5 6 ZeroKungz #1
Lower 13187berlin 1 0 Shamookie win by default

Round of 16

Friday, 15 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Lower Morusya 5 1 Szczyr #1

Saturday, 16 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper EzyS 5 1 Sorryc #1
Lower uni_PF 5 3 MankekeOpeh #1
Lower Murasaki Shion 5 2 GuitarHero_King #1
Lower ZeroKungz 5 0 Wettham77 #1
Lower Shamookie 5 4 Imanari #1
Lower leaf89 4 5 davidbeh_97 #1
Lower Kagari 5 0 Geekoruto #1
Lower dalyz 5 2 D o k a #1
Lower Fyunix 5 4 LwL #1
Lower Neko_Cafe 5 0 Pizou #1
Lower floflim 2 5 2zz #1
Lower aabii 0 1 [RUE]Ludboy win by default
Lower David Podsiadlo 1 0 MyLovelyRealite win by default

Sunday, 17 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper SadEgg 5 0 BitDust #1
Upper Mixuri 5 2 Green Ghost #1
Upper my angel auto 4 5 giru HD #1
Upper log out side 5 1 kev aha x #1
Upper Nagato 5 2 13187berlin #1
Upper Fuka Pura 1 5 Touca #1
Upper MauriciOSU 5 1 SchmutzZz #1
Lower [Yuria] 1 0 Dilly_P win by default
Lower -Enias- 5 1 JESP2310 #1
Lower MusicDropZ 5 1 Yasi6n #1
Lower ZeroKungz 5 3 Neko_Cafe #1
Lower David Podsiadlo 5 1 [Yuria] #1
Lower Shamookie 5 4 davidbeh_97 #1
Lower Kagari 4 5 uni_PF #1
Lower dalyz 5 2 [RUE]Ludboy #1
Lower 2zz 4 5 Fyunix #1
Lower MusicDropZ 0 5 -Enias- #1
Lower Murasaki Shion 1 0 Morusya win by default

Round of 32

Friday, 8 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper floflim 3 5 kev aha x #1
Lower TrussingOrca330 2 5 2zz #1

Saturday, 9 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper Mixuri 5 2 uni_PF #1
Upper SadEgg 5 3 Neko_Cafe #1
Upper dalyz 4 5 Touca #1
Upper my angel auto 5 2 [Yuria] #1
Upper Fuka Pura 5 0 aabii #1
Lower Azakriel 4 5 [RUE]Ludboy #1
Lower nurjavier 3 5 JESP2310 #1
Lower U4Dead 3 5 MyLovelyRealite #1
Lower Nyarlath0tep 1 5 Geekoruto #1
Lower ManuAoK 0 5 davidbeh_97 #1
Lower Strict_Lane 1 5 D o k a #1
Lower Pizou 5 4 uniqly #1
Lower multimode freak 2 5 Szczyr #1
Lower Knight-- 0 1 Wettham77 win by default
Lower GuitarHero_King 1 0 1k1 win by default
Lower sukidayo- 0 1 MankekeOpeh win by default

Sunday, 10 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper David Podsiadlo 3 5 giru HD #1
Upper log out side 5 1 Fyunix #1
Upper Murasaki Shion 4 5 13187berlin #1
Upper Sorryc 5 2 Shamookie #1
Upper Nagato 5 1 Morusya #1
Upper EzyS 5 1 leaf89 #1
Upper Green Ghost 5 1 Kagari #1
Upper ZeroKungz 3 5 BitDust #1
Upper MauriciOSU 5 4 -Enias- #1
Upper MusicDropZ 1 5 SchmutzZz #1
Lower ERA trooperr 1 5 Imanari #1
Lower radiatik 2 5 Yasi6n #1
Lower Underscorebaka 1 5 Dilly_P #1

Monday, 11 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Lower AlexFenom 0 5 LwL #1

Round of 64

Friday, 1 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper SadEgg 5 0 Nyarlath0tep #1
Upper Yasi6n 1 5 [Yuria] #1
Upper 1k1 1 5 Fyunix #1

Saturday, 2 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper Mixuri 5 1 Knight-- #1
Upper Geekoruto 1 5 Neko_Cafe #1
Upper Wettham77 3 5 uni_PF #1
Upper my angel auto 5 0 radiatik #1
Upper ZeroKungz 5 1 sukidayo- #1
Upper EzyS 5 1 Strict_Lane #1
Upper uniqly 4 5 Kagari #1
Upper Murasaki Shion 5 0 AlexFenom #1
Upper BitDust 5 1 MankekeOpeh #1
Upper dalyz 5 2 ManuAoK #1
Upper Morusya 5 1 2zz #1
Upper David Podsiadlo 5 0 nurjavier #1
Upper Sorryc 5 0 Azakriel #1
Upper Shamookie 5 1 [RUE]Ludboy #1
Upper aabii 5 0 Imanari #1
Upper MusicDropZ 5 0 Underscorebaka #1
Upper giru HD 5 0 JESP2310 #1

Sunday, 3 March 2024:

Bracket Player 1 Player 2 Match link
Upper leaf89 5 2 D o k a #1
Upper MauriciOSU 5 2 U4Dead #1
Upper log out side 5 0 GuitarHero_King #1
Upper davidbeh_97 2 5 Touca #1
Upper Pizou 0 5 Green Ghost #1
Upper Nagato 5 0 TrussingOrca330 #1
Upper -Enias- 5 0 MyLovelyRealite #1
Upper floflim 5 3 multimode freak #1
Upper 13187berlin 5 1 LwL #1
Upper SchmutzZz 5 4 Dilly_P #1
Upper kev aha x 5 3 Szczyr #1
Upper Fuka Pura 1 0 ERA trooperr win by default


General rules

  1. Matches are played in a 1v1 format.
  2. Map scoring is based on ScoreV2.
  3. NoFail will be enforced during matches and on every map.
  4. For the duration of the tournament, players are required to be present in the Discord server at all times.
  5. The 64 players who have qualified from the qualifiers will compete against each other using the double-elimination bracket system.

Tournament registration

  1. In order to participate, players are required to register for the tournament through the tournament's website.
  2. Each player must be in between the rank range of #1,000 to #5,000 at the end of the registration period. After the registration has ended, players are allowed to rank up or down out of the rank range.
  3. Each player must not have any related 4-digit player tournament badges from past iterations. This rule is in place to ensure fairness and provide equal opportunities.
  4. Staff members are allowed to play with the exception of admins, mappoolers and custom mappers. Eliminated players are eligible to be enlisted as playtesters, replay creators and referees as per official tournament support rules.

Mappool format

  1. This iteration features a Mystery Mod, which will be testing on niche skillsets that are not commonly seen in standardised mappools of Catch the Beat. Some examples of these skillsets could include EZ mod, Flashlight, Dodge the beat (DTB), sightreads and so on. It will be up to the creativity of the hosts, mappoolers, custom mappers to curate these skillsets for this particular mod.
  2. The Mystery Mod pool will not feature maps that are from another osu! game mode.
  3. The mappool format and win condition for each of the following rounds are as follows:
Stage Format Beatmaps
Qualifiers N/A 3 NoMod, 2 Hidden, 2 HardRock, 2 DoubleTime
Round of 64, Round of 32 & Round of 16 Best of 9, 1 ban 4 NoMod, 3 Hidden, 3 HardRock, 3 DoubleTime, 1 Mystery, 1 tiebreaker
Quarterfinals Best of 11, 1 ban 4 NoMod, 3 Hidden, 3 HardRock, 3 DoubleTime, 2 Mystery, 1 tiebreaker
Semifinals Best of 11, 2 bans 4 NoMod, 3 Hidden, 3 HardRock, 3 DoubleTime, 2 Mystery, 1 tiebreaker
Finals Best of 13, 2 bans 4 NoMod, 4 Hidden, 4 HardRock, 4 DoubleTime, 2 Mystery, 1 tiebreaker
Grand Finals Best of 13, 2 bans 4 NoMod, 4 Hidden, 4 HardRock, 4 DoubleTime, 2 Mystery, 1 tiebreaker


  1. Each player will have to sign up for a Qualifier lobby that has been prepared by the tournament management as listed on the tournament's website.
  2. Each Qualifier lobby can have a maximum of 16 partipants.
  3. Players are not allowed to ban any beatmaps in the Qualifiers.
  4. In the lobby, players will play through nine Qualifier beatmaps in the mod order of NM, HD, HR and DT.
  5. Players are expected to join their selected qualifiers lobby on time. In the event that a player is late to the lobby, the said player is allowed to reschedule to a later lobby.
  6. If said player joins their selected qualifiers lobby within the first run, they are allowed to play the remaining maps in the first run and the missed out maps as the second run.
  7. Between each map, players have 120 seconds to ready up.
  8. An optional 120 seconds break will be offered between the first and second run of the mappool.
  9. The second run is optional to all players.
  10. Players will be seeded based on the sum max system, with the top 64 players advancing to the knock-out stages.

Match Rules

  1. If any player does not show up within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, the match would be deemed as a forfeit for the player that did not show up.
  2. A replay may be initiated if a player faces disturbances within the first 30 seconds of the map.
    • Valid reasons include malfunctioning peripherals, disconnects, network outages, etc.
    • This is only applicable once. Lag is not a valid reason.
  3. If any player is caught intentionally stalling a match, displaying poor sportsmanship behaviour, or causing intentional drama during the tournament, the individual will be dealt with accordingly by the hosts.

Match procedures

  1. Players are required to join the lobby prior to the start of the match.
  2. Prior to the start of the match, both players will use the !roll command to determine the banning and picking order.
    • The winner of the !roll gets to decide who gets the first pick and second ban or vice versa.
  3. There will be no warmups allowed.
  4. Players will be given 120 seconds for every action (picking and banning). Failure to do so will lead to a random map to be picked by the referee in charge of the match.
  5. Each player is entitled to 1 optional timeout in a match. The duration of this timeout is 120 seconds and it will start after the action timer has run out.
  6. On the Mods HardRock, DoubleTime, the use of Hidden will be allowed as it has no score multipliers.
  7. Players are not allowed to pick or ban the same mode twice in a row.
  8. Each player may ban up to two beatmaps from the mappool following a modified "comeback mechanic" system that is adapted from the osu!catch World Cup 2019. The system works as follows:
    • At the start of the match, each player has to ban one beatmap from the mappool.
    • After a player reaches 3 points (in the Semifinals, Finals, and Grand Finals), the opposing player is then given a chance to ban another beatmap from the mappool that has neither been picked nor banned up until that point as a comeback mechanic.
    • A player is not allowed to ban 2 maps from the same mod pool.
    • No banned beatmaps are allowed to be picked by any player during the remainder of the match.
    • This rule does not apply in the Qualifiers.
  9. In the event of a tiebreaker, the tiebreaker beatmap will be played using Hidden or NoMod depending on the player's choice.

Scheduling rules

  1. The hosts will pre-determine a scheduled time for the matches, which will all take place on a Friday or a weekend day unless a special request is placed in advance for a match to be played mid-week.
  2. In the event that a player is unable to make it for your scheduled time, said player is advised to contact their opponent and apply for a reschedule at the #reschedule channel in the tournament's Discord server. Screenshot is required for valid reschedule proof.
  3. Reschedules have to be agreed on at most 6 hours before the commenced match time. Emergency and late reschedules may or may not be accepted depending on the hosts' and the referee's availability and discretion.


  1. This player was brought in as a map tester after being knocked out in the bracket stage. 

  2. This map is played with the Easy mod enabled.  

  3. This map is played under a specific win condition in which the player with the lowest score wins.  

  4. Maps for this slot were revealed upon being picked at the match. 

  5. This map is played under the "accuracy" win condition

  6. This map is played with the Flashlight mod enabled. 

  7. This map is played under a specific condition in which the circle size exceeds the usual number in standard mappools. 

  8. This map features a heavy focus on spinners. 

  9. This map is played with both HardRock and DoubleTime mods enabled. 

  10. This map features a convert in which its length is similar to a tiebreaker. 
