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For other uses, see Rank (disambiguation).

Grades are a set of letters representing a player's performance on a given beatmap. They accompany the total score on the result screen and appear in all lists alongside scores.

From lowest to highest, the possible grades are D, C, B, A, S, and SS. Silver S and SS grades are only achievable when using the Hidden, Flashlight, or Fade In game modifiers.


Grade Condition
SS 100% accuracy
S Over 90% 300s, at most 1% 50s, and no misses
A Over 80% 300s and no misses OR over 90% 300s
B Over 70% 300s and no misses OR over 80% 300s
C Over 60% 300s
D Anything else


Grade Condition
SS 100% accuracy
S Over 90% GREATs and no misses
A Over 80% GREATs and no misses OR over 90% GREATs
B Over 70% GREATs and no misses OR over 80% GREATs
C Over 60% GREATs
D Any other passing score


Grade Condition
SS 100% accuracy
S 98.01% to 99.99% accuracy (an S rank is possible even with several misses, like in osu!mania)
A 94.01% to 98.00% accuracy
B 90.01% to 94.00% accuracy
C 85.01% to 90.00% accuracy
D Any other accuracy under 85.00%


Grade Condition
SS 100% accuracy
S Over 95% accuracy (an S rank is possible even with several misses, like in osu!catch)
A Over 90% accuracy
B Over 80% accuracy
C Over 70% accuracy
D Anything else