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Videos from YouTube

Please note that downloading videos from YouTube is a breach of their Terms of Service.

YouTube is a very useful resource for creators looking to add background videos to their beatmaps. If a song has a music video, it will most likely be on YouTube, and probably compressed at that golden point where the video looks decent but will not be too big in size.

This tutorial is intended for those who can not find the video elsewhere but YouTube.

Using online tools

YouTube to Mp3 is an online video converter service designed for YouTube. Using it is very straightforward: first, paste your desired YouTube video link into the text box; then, select mp4, click Convert; and after the conversion is finished, click Download to obtain the video file.

Using youtube-dl

youtube-dl is a command-line program to download videos from YouTube and other sites.

  1. Download youtube-dl and navigate to it in your preferred console (PowerShell, CMD, Terminal)
  2. Use the command below and press Enter
youtube-dl -f bestvideo <video link>

Downloading YouTube videos with youtube-dlDownloading YouTube videos with youtube-dl

Removing the audio tracks

Main page: Compressing files

After downloading the video, you can load the video into the beatmap as you would normally through the design tab in the beatmap editor. However, not only will the video contain audio tracks that will be unused and take up extra space, the beatmap Ranking Criteria forbids videos with audio tracks as they are not used. See Compressing Files for ways to remove audio from the video.