I'm preparing a new personal project in the near future, it will be a practice for me, so when the time is coming on, I will open a special req form for the plan .w.
You don’t need to wait for my reply, feel free to use them! But I hope you can PM me for some relevant matters (such as the name of the competition, official website, community forum, stream channel link, trivial matters or something similar). Of course, if not, forget it, but if you are willing to attach it, I will be grateful! Because I enjoy the time when others play my maps (´▽`)
But if the difficulty used is other people’s GD on my map, please ask the GD owner. When the GD owner gives the answer, it represents my answer.
I'm not a BN yet LOL but I do have this plan so I just put this here in advanced (๑•̀ω•́๑) but I'm very busy till 2025 mid-January, so I decided to push this into 2025 plan nevermind this will get pushed again until the time I think I have the ability to bear this
AYIM 2023 link 很開心看到台灣mania的麻婆圈有新人, 從幫你點第一張圖看到的青澀, 到之後再幫你點World's end loneliness時, 可以明顯地看到你的進步, 期望未來你能夠保持初衷 繼續推出更多好的圖譜 (然後順便考個BN之類的^^), 意外的是沒想到本人如此的年輕可愛, 要小心不要被奇怪的叔叔(們)拐走哦 <3 written by Touru0711
AYIM 2024 link 湾湾mania谱师。今年也是有幸和xinhong1003共同完成了两张rank图和两张ptct赛图的制作。在rank方面不仅延续了去年的高产(虽然说我完全没打过),还把自己的第一张7k谱面卑弥呼推到了rank区。希望2025也能为rank区带来更多精彩的谱面。顺便问一下:今年考虑上个bn吗,我想找你点图了(;w;)。 written by [GB]Sanae