🎮 Playstyle✦ Tapping: Singletap, index - middle
✦ Setup: Laptop keyboard & office mouse, also forced to play on integrated gpu with terrible fps because of nvidia optimus
✦ Skin:
✦ Minimal: No anime girl, white, 2 circle layers
✦ Minimal 3: 3 circle layers
✦ Minimal EZ: 4 default color, 1 circle layer, dim approach circle
✦ Minimal FL: Bright followpoint, white sliderborder, 2 circle layers
✦ Minimal Instafade: 1 circle layer, instafade
✦ Minimal Mapping: 4 default color, 1 circle layer, bright and thin and last-longer followpoint, very low opacity sliderendcircle, protractor hitcircleselect, default hitsound
🏁 Player history✦ 24/09/2021 - bought a laptop & immediately registered osu! account
✦ 05/02/2022 - first 100pp
✦ 01/04/2022 - 2000pp - top 162pp
✦ 14/10/2022 - 3000pp - top 196pp
✦ 18/10/2022 - 100th 100pp - top 196pp
✦ 7/11/2024 - upload my first map ever Nanari Maki - Chie
❤ osu!supporter history✦ 1/7/2022 - 1 month osu!supporter from Laplus Enjoyer