----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (random facts about me ↓ )
age/ 22
my status/ single
sexuality/ Demisexual Bisexual OR also known as Demisexual Biromantic
my gender/ cis women (cis means my gender identity is the same as sex I was assigned to at birth)
My hobbies/ drawing, watching anime, playing video games, shopping, sleeping, singing, collecting plushies, collecting anime anime figurines, collecting anime or videogame acrylic keychains, collecting anime or videogame enamel pins, learning how to play electric guitar, art&craft, reading manga
My favourite anime's/ puella Magi Madoka Magica, gakkou gurashi, heaven official's blessing, my hero academia, The Case Study of Vanitas, Assault Lily Bouquet, Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai, Taisho Otome Fairy Tale, Sasaki to Miyano, My Dress-Up Darling, Yona of the Dawn, Etc.
My favourite video games/ OSU, undertale, blue reflection second light, persona 5, Hatsune Miku project diva mega mix, hatsune miku project diva x, hatsune miku project diva future tone, taiko no tatsujin drum session, my hero ultra rumble, splatoon 3, etc.
My favourite cartoons/ lilo&stitch, the owl house, my little pony friendship is magic, power puff girls, gravity falls,