fix metadata, there is actually no source (not sure on this one but the source is definitely not "tt") and song name is "toxin" (no caps or parenthesis)
mistimed, actual bpm is 176 (source:
unfortunately this means you need to remap, unrankable in current state
00:44:033 (1,2,3,4) - these are not straight, try making one slider with grid on and copy + paste it
00:15:866 (8) - sliders should not go back on themselves like this, use reverse arrow
01:03:996 (1,2,1) - undermapped, this part should reflect the intensity of mom's part
also the climax of the song should not be a hecking spinner with this diff
The metadata is wrong. The title should be "Final Fall", composer should be "Jukio Kallio feat. Daniel Hagström", (not sure about that last one) and the source should be "Fall Guys".