01:06:005 - Why is there no LN here? Seems only reasonable if Easy + Normal have it.
Also for some reason Normal has 1 LN, Easy 2 and top diff none, doesn't make much sense difficulty wise imo
I suggest you put
1 LN for Easy
2 for all the other diffs
01:05:527 (65527|2) - Doesn't feel like the vocal here is long enough to warrant a long note tbh, would make this a single
and then 01:05:845 (65845|0) - should be on 01:06:005 - like in the other diffs
00:55:646 (55646|1,55646|0) - This should be on 00:55:805 - like you did in Hard + Top diff (in the Normal diff too)
00:17:558 (17558|3,17718|3,17877|3) - Maybe move this anchor to the left hand? Currently you have 3 right hand anchors in a row here 00:17:240 (17240|2,17399|2,17558|3,17558|2,17718|3,17877|3,18036|3,19789|2,19949|2,20108|2) -
01:25:766 (85766|0,85766|1) - triple for kick like you did at 01:24:809 (84809|0,84809|2,84809|1) -
01:17:479 (77479|2,77479|3) - Kick on white line should be a triple judging by your concept
00:55:805 (55805|3) - This is probably missing a note considering 00:53:893 (53893|0,53893|1,54371|1,54371|2,54849|1,54849|0,55327|2,55327|0) - are all doubles
to me the sound at 00:32:852 (32852|1,32852|2,32852|0) - overshadows too much of the previous melody so i kinda like the current pattern more. Also probably better to not go too high with the difficulty in this part
Imo they don't sound very obvious and i would rather keep the doubles white line only in this part for difficulty sake (2179231#4830045/12796040)