Since it sounds like you're trying to map her vocals during the kiai, it sounds like an instance was missed here 01:27:151 (87151|1,87151|3,87151|0,87258|2,87258|1,87365|0,87365|2,87472|3,87472|0) - may i recommend something like this?
01:23:937 (83937|1,83937|0,84044|3,84044|1,84151|2,84151|3,84151|0,84365|1,84365|3,84365|0) - I like the kiai as a whole, however it sounds like you missed a long note in the beginning of the highlighted pattern to match the one in the second half of it.
Some of the patterns are mapped inconsistently in terms of density. For example, with a pattern like this 00:40:115 (40115|1,40222|3,40222|2,40329|3,40329|2,40437|0,40437|3,40437|1) - i feel like you've acurately represented the music, but in the next measure you map very similar sounds very differently 00:40:651 (40651|0,40651|3,40758|1,40865|0,40865|2,40865|3,40972|1,40972|0,41079|3,41187|1,41187|0,41294|2,41294|3,41294|0) Maybe im missing something about your justification for doing so, but it may be worth your consideration
00:32:079 (32079|2,32079|3,32187|0,32187|1,32294|3,32294|2,32294|1,32294|0,32401|2,32401|3,32508|1,32508|0,32508|2,32508|3,32615|1,32615|0,32722|0,32722|1,32722|2,32722|3,32829|2,32829|3,32937|1,32937|3,32937|2,32937|0) - those quads also feel a bit out of place. I VERY much like the pattern you've created with them, but if accuracy is a goal here, it would probably be better mapped as hands. This also applies to the other iterations of that pattern
00:26:079 (26079|2,26079|1,26079|3,26079|0) - you use a quad on the start of the measure, but jumps on the start of subsequent measures. This is a bit inconsistent with parts like 00:31:222 (31222|0,31222|3) - which also appear to support a quad (or, in my opinion, the sound would map better to a hand). Whatever you choose to do with this, i feel like the chart would benefit from more consistency
starting roughly 00:53:508 (53508|2,53508|0) - here and continuing until the kiai, it feels like theres a slight left hand bias on the patterns. its not too bad, but it can be felt 01:00:901 (60901|3,60901|1,61008|0,61008|2,61008|3,61115|0,61115|2,61222|1,61329|0,61329|2,61437|0,61437|2,61437|3,61651|1,61651|0,61758|0,61758|1,61865|1,61865|0,61865|3) - here where the left middle finger gets worked pretty hard and similarly 01:04:008 (64008|2,64008|1,64008|0,64008|3,64222|1,64222|2,64329|1,64329|2,64437|0,64437|1,64437|3,64544|0,64544|3,64651|2,64758|0,64758|3,64865|0,64865|3,64865|2,65079|1,65079|0,65187|0,65187|1,65294|0,65294|1,65294|2,65508|0,65508|2,65508|3) - here. its not the end of the world but i felt it worth pointing out
02:36:433 (156433|3,157828|0,158177|1,158526|1,158874|0,159223|0,159572|1,159921|1,160270|0,160619|0,160967|1,161316|1,161665|0,162014|0,162363|1,162712|0,162712|1,163060|3,163409|3,163758|1,164107|1,164456|3,164805|3,165154|1,165154|2,165502|1,165851|3,166200|3,166549|1,166898|1,167247|3,167595|0,167595|3,167944|1,168293|1,168642|3,168991|3,169340|1,169688|1,170037|3,170386|3,170735|1,171084|1,171433|3,171781|3,172130|1,172479|1,172828|3,173177|2,173177|3,173526|0,173874|0,174223|1,174572|1,174921|0,175270|0,175619|1,175967|1,176316|1,176316|2,176665|2,177014|0,177363|0,177712|2,178060|2,178409|0) - I hear a bit of reverb on the sounds youve mapped the slow minijacks to. maybe an LN with the second note being a shield would work well here? Though take that with a grain of salt because the section appears to be a much needed break after the intensity of the previous sections