01:56:328 (3,1) - Same here. Buff the spacing to make it more clear. Also, i'd removed the dash on 01:56:920 (1,2) - the vocals is weaker and lower pitch than on (3,1)
Ehh, i don't know. I feel like those direction changes aren't too difficult for a platter player, while they emphasize strong drums here pretty well. No changes for now
Don't really see a problem with antiflow dashes here, since the bpm is quite low and all of these are followed by 1/1 gap. And the gaps themselves seem fine to me. x1.2 feels pretty comfortable even after a direction change. I believe an average salad player is not going to have any problem with those.
For 02:08:118 (2,3,4) - if i flip (3,4) it would be really clunky to play, because of movement in the same direction after standstill, so current version feels like a better option to me
Don't see a way to keep a pattern while adding some meaningful movement, so a lack of movement feels more emphasizing sorta. Plus i use standstills for transition a lot here, so it's not inconsistent or something
Yea, and that's why i think 1/4 usage progression should be more linear. Platter is way way closer to rain than to salad rhythm-wise. It's a huge spike in density.
Nerfing the platter could be an alternative, but personally i prefer buffing over nerfing in this cape, because the song supports more dense and less undermapped lower diffs imo, there's a lot of strong 1/4 piano, and emphasizing it would make the gap less drastic.
In the song it is a strong vocals + a sudden transition to the new section with a drastically different sound, so i feel like direction change here fits perfectly to emhasize it
This section overall is more intense than 00:14:785 - 00:27:285 and closer to kiais in terms of intensity. And also features unique sound layers. And in the context of this section i'd like to keep it a dash. Also vocals here could justify more movement
I'm talking about the uniqueness of the drums, rather than the pattern. I want to emphasize this unexpected drum beat by an unexpected change of flow. And i don't feel like it's too hard for rain, since it's perfectly walkable
https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1586033/discussion/3239487/timeline#/2770328 Already fixed. Which rule btw?
[RC] Edge dashes may only be used singularly (not in conjunction with other dashes or hyperdashes).