modder info

Marfuri's Modding History

Sorta the same thing here 05:47:451 (1) - I don't really see a reason for this antiflow
01:56:328 (3,1) - Same here. Buff the spacing to make it more clear. Also, i'd removed the dash on 01:56:920 (1,2) - the vocals is weaker and lower pitch than on (3,1)
Same goes for 00:36:393 (1,2) - 00:38:367 (2,3,4) - 00:45:867 (1,1) -
Made 00:18:952 (1,2) - a dash
Nerfed the spacing
Reworked the whole pattern into something more interesting
I like the way it emphasizes strong drums, and honestly, I think it plays quite nicely. No changes for now
Whoops, fixed
Made (3) into 1/2 slider for vocals and added a dash on 01:11:452 (3,4) -
Stupid 2021 me putting hdashes for snares. Applied all + added a hdash on 01:41:869 (1,2) - for consistency’s sake
Uohhhhhhh 😭
revived indeed
Made 01:23:952 (1,2) - 1.0x. Also lowered the spacing on 00:43:535 (3,1) - 00:50:202 (3,1) - 01:16:869 (4,1) - 01:36:868 (7,1) - 01:51:869 (1,2) - 01:56:869 (4,1) -
Changed it a bit
Ehh, i don't know. I feel like those direction changes aren't too difficult for a platter player, while they emphasize strong drums here pretty well. No changes for now
Shifted hdash from (3,4) to (4,5) and added hdash on 00:48:535 (1,2) - for consistency
Made it a walk
Made it walkable
Moved it a little bit
Fixed i believe
prefer (7) as a note, dash here seems ok
moved (1) a bit
Mniam's mods
Don't really see a problem with antiflow dashes here, since the bpm is quite low and all of these are followed by 1/1 gap. And the gaps themselves seem fine to me. x1.2 feels pretty comfortable even after a direction change. I believe an average salad player is not going to have any problem with those. For 02:08:118 (2,3,4) - if i flip (3,4) it would be really clunky to play, because of movement in the same direction after standstill, so current version feels like a better option to me
Made it x1.3
Don't see a way to keep a pattern while adding some meaningful movement, so a lack of movement feels more emphasizing sorta. Plus i use standstills for transition a lot here, so it's not inconsistent or something
There's no snare in the song, unlike on other notes i've put clap onto
Applied some
Whoops, made it a slider
Yea, and that's why i think 1/4 usage progression should be more linear. Platter is way way closer to rain than to salad rhythm-wise. It's a huge spike in density. Nerfing the platter could be an alternative, but personally i prefer buffing over nerfing in this cape, because the song supports more dense and less undermapped lower diffs imo, there's a lot of strong 1/4 piano, and emphasizing it would make the gap less drastic.
In the song it is a strong vocals + a sudden transition to the new section with a drastically different sound, so i feel like direction change here fits perfectly to emhasize it
I could argue that it fits the spacing progression gimmick of this section, but yea okay nerfed
This section overall is more intense than 00:14:785 - 00:27:285 and closer to kiais in terms of intensity. And also features unique sound layers. And in the context of this section i'd like to keep it a dash. Also vocals here could justify more movement This timing was suggested by Myxo, and to me it perfectly makes sense
I'm talking about the uniqueness of the drums, rather than the pattern. I want to emphasize this unexpected drum beat by an unexpected change of flow. And i don't feel like it's too hard for rain, since it's perfectly walkable
Lingering backgroud vocals here is quite unique and i want to emphasize it Already fixed. Which rule btw? [RC] Edge dashes may only be used singularly (not in conjunction with other dashes or hyperdashes).
Fits for the strong snare
Clearly reads as a dash imo. Like it's a rain after all, should be fine. Tho i reduced the spacing on (3,4) as well for more comfortable dash
Reduced by a few pixels, 1.0x feels underwhelming here
Don't see a way to make it a dash without reworking the entire pattern, so i prefer standstill over some awkaward walk here