01:26:034 (1,2,1,2) - These jumps feel extremely underwhelming.
the jump parts leading up to it at 01:25:086 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - are so much less intense in the song and when the drums and synth climax you don't represent it in the mapping at all. you have the slight increase in spacing but it doesn't look or feel like you are doing anything special for such a standout sound
Visually separating these jumps or creating another distinct pattern would be a good way to make them feel impactful and it would greatly improve the quality of this section.
05:17:648 (1) - this sliders sv is way higher than any of the others later in the section and it feels really jarring when compared to the rest of the section. you should just keep the sv consistent and use 1.6 like the other sliders for this sound
03:42:648 (1) - this note sounds vastly different than the other two kick sliders before it, and then the jump into 03:42:814 (2) - is kind of jarring because there isnt any sounds on the (2) that would warrant such a large jump.
changing this section to be two kicksliders into the stream would emphasise the song a lot more accurately.
02:07:281 (3) - would be nice if you had some more variation for this circle, its the only snare in the section that lands on a triple and feels a bit underwhelming that you would ignore.
something like this would play into your low spacing theme for the triples while also making the pattern feel different https://prnt.sc/gFEM-5wRt1Io
01:56:031 (3) - its a bit underwhelming that you ignore the snares on this slider here. you have a lot of sliders in this section so adding a bit of variety would also make the map feel more interesting.
01:43:731 (3) - would be nice if you moved this circle over to the right, this would help emphasise it a lot more through the angle change. just feels a bit underwhelming as is
01:33:331 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - id recommend you buff these jumps a bit, the spacing is similar to the jumps you had before and this is the climax of the beginning of the map.
increasing spacing by 1.2x or 1.3x would make this stand out a lot more
01:21:331 (1,2) - changing these two sliders to circle slider - circle slider would fit the vocal rhythm much better (https://prnt.sc/sulzHwWAjo3n)
01:24:331 (5) - same with extending this slider by 1/3
theres a few instances of 1/8 doubles 02:42:879 (1,1) - 04:11:091 (1) -
i dont think that there is much difficulty here from the double taps, this map is already pretty heavy with finger control this by comparison is pretty simple