As a player: Hopeless 31 year old. Takes him forever to learn anything. Spends most of his time trying to unlearn bad habits. But very persistant, plays 2-7 days/weak. Will grind a 1000 simple maps until he finally gets it.
As a person: Happy-go-lucky, doesn't care if he sucks but enjoys getting better.
Current Goals: SkyFlame's Soundscape, Kowari's Expert beatmapsets/534054#osu/2274002 99% FC is the goal, but need to become a better player to do it.
Play-History: 2016 - Got recommended the game, hated it. 2018 - Came back on whim summer playing casually with only mouse. Keyboard winter onwards. 2019 - Could beat a few 5*, brought tablet end of summer. Got 1000 SS 2-3* re-learning to aim. 2020 - Grinded for pp, got under 50k spring. Summer break. Mostly fun 4* coming back. 2021 - Learnt hidden ar 9 winter, ar 9.3 spring, ar 9.6 summer