Birthday: 18th, Aug. 1990(Male) Occupation: Graduate Student, Major in Electronic Engineering(EE) Location: Peking University, Beijing, China
Language: Simplified/Traditional Chinese(not including Cantonese), English, Japanese(Basic) Interests: ACGN(Animation / Comic / Galgame / Light Novel) Tennis / Football(Soccer) / Classical Music / History
Origin of this ID: A powerful fusion card from trading card game Yu-Gi-Oh, "Gyzarus, the Gladiator Beast" Origin of this avatar: Shooting Quasar Dragon, also from Yu-Gi-Oh
Mouse and Keyboard: Mouse - Microsoft Compact Optical Mouse v2.0 Keyboard - Lenovo Thinkpad x220 Laptop Keyboard
Any finger - for seperated notes Middle finger(up to 110bpm) - for songs that rapidly switch between 1/8 and 1/16 notes, and low BPM songs for higher acc Index finger(up to 125bpm) - for big jumps, geometric shaped notes, and high BPM songs with many 1/8 notes (May switch main finger frequently in beatmaps) Any finger first(controllable bpm between 120&220, long streams stability between 140&190) - for streams
Characteristics: ·100% standard(osu!) mode player. ·Hidden is my favourite mod.
·Like old and new maps, as long as they're long enough. Hardly play any song shorter than 2 mins. <PS: usually, maps from long songs provide more pp scores. lol> ·Preferred beatmap settings are "hdr 6-7 / cs 4 / ar 8-9 / od 8 / sl 7"(sl means Stack Leniency).
·Could only retry a single song less than 5 times before FCed, otherwise have to change beatmap. ·Like to play a beatmap to the very end, and return to menu if not FCed.
These are my favourite characters (most of which are tsundere >.<):
Takatsuki Tonoko, from "遥かに仰ぎ、丽しの"(Galgame) Hiiragi Kagami, from "Lucky ☆ Star"(Comic/Animation) Shiina Minatsu, from "生徒会の一存"(Light Novel/Animation) Kousaka Kirino, from "俺の妹がこんなに可爱いわけがない"(Light Novel/Animation) Shiina Mashiro, from "さくら荘のペットな彼女"(Light Novel/Animation) Fuyuumi Ai, from "俺の彼女と幼馴染が修羅場すぎ"(Light Novel/Animation)
Login for the 1st time: 2011.6.6 About 10 p.m(UTC+8)
First 5-star beatmap achieved S: 2011.6.18 b/89064 Achieved 1k PC: 2011.6.21 First beatmap achieved Top 40: 2011.7.9 b/71351 Achieved score rank of 10k: 2011.7.26 Achieved 5k PC: 2011.8.14
AFK between 2011.10.11-2011.10.29 (lack of motivation)
First ar9 beatmap passed / achieved S: b/91880 Achieved score rank of 3k: 2011.12.10 First beatmap achieved #1: 2011.12.18 b/115808
AFK between 2012.1.3-2012.2.2 (Final exams and 2-week trip from home) AFK between 2012.3.17-2012.5.21 (playing WOW)
Performance point when pp system first applied: 4853pp / 1384 pp rank @ 2012.5.7 Began to practise Hidden mod: 2012.5.23 Became an osu! supporter: 2012.6.1 Achieved 5k pp / pp rank of 1k: 2012.6.2 <PS: there were only 990 players with 5k+ pp score at that time>
AFK between 2012.8.13-2012.10.2 (lack of motivation)
Achieved pp rank of 300: 2012.11.6 Achieved 15k PC: 2012.11.20 Achieved 5730pp: 2012.12.4 <PS: score of which could unlock KONAMI achievement in Yu-Gi-Oh game series>
Best stats before AFK: all stats @ 2012.12.4 pp score: 5731 pp rank: #256 pp rank of country(China PR): #24