01:20:629 & 01:20:829 - missing notes for the kick? They should have more emphasis (notes) than 01:20:429 (80429|5,80429|1) because they're more outstanding with the kick
(would be the same here 01:21:629 & 01:21:829 for snares, like you did here 01:21:229 (81229|3))
01:33:697 (93697|3,94092|1) - would switch columns of these notes because 01:32:513 (92513|3,94092|1) follow the exact same instrument with the same volume
01:30:737 (90737|1,91132|0,91526|2,92118|0) - how about putting rather putting notes on 1/1 like this https://imgur.com/LSk7xE9 ? This is the part before the "end"-part (where the song is slowly ending) which means it's more hyped and should have a bigger density; each 1/1 has that one drum sound and the melody in the foreground
From 00:12:320 - to 00:19:637 - some LN are "not precise, hard to press after previous LN & inconsistent"
I do think they're precise. Since they're only there for the vocals, they end where she stops singing. Making them the same length, they would end either too early or in nowhere. Though I rearranged the two lns here 00:14:316 to make the pattern more comfortable to hit
Same with 01:16:141 - to 01:22:460 - but only about inconsistent stuff
Same reason as above
Hard to execute (should be changed / simplified): 00:17:642 (17642|0,18307|3) - 00:18:972 (18972|1,19637|4,20303|3) - LN of those should be cut by 1/2 to make it better to acc for newer player
I understand...but same reason as above
Inconsistent: 00:18:307 (18307|3,18640|2) - vs 00:16:977 (16977|1,17309|4) - 00:12:985 (12985|1,13318|2) - either make it consistent or follow precision above, mentioned 1/1 LN thing
00:18:307 (18307|3,18640|2) - These notes are for the two syllables you can hear - "So", "Ver-". Because she sings them very quickly (She stops each 1/2), I decided to make them short notes
00:16:977 (16977|1,17309|4) - Meanwhile here, she sings them for the whole 1/1 which makes them consistent with the other LNs which follow the vocals
00:12:985 (12985|1,13318|2) - same here
I want to keep 00:30:908 (30908|0) - 01:13:480 (73480|0) - (which are pretty much the same regarding the melody) their original length since they support the vocals. They end where she stops singing and I don't really see a reason to make them any longer when there isn't any singing going on
00:41:551 (41551|5) - made it the same length as the other mentioned lns for consistency (I noticed, she stops singing earlier)
01:13:480 (73480|0) - added a note here 01:14:145 for consistency; I just think the cymbals are very clear to hear, creating more tension for the next drop so I think the player should acknowledge them
oops, I've worded something wrong. 01:28:347 (88347|2) - remove this because there shouldn't be more than 2 note chords on easy difficulty; in my suggestion, I mean it's better to put 01:27:295 (87295|2,87558|2) - in 3rd col because the spot above has no note in that column. Sorry!