Registered in 2016, but only started actually playing at the beginning of 2018 (check play history)
Switched from Mouse to Tablet on November 24th 2018, rank #59,781
Hit 5000pp (5047pp) February 9th, 2019 Hit 6000pp (6005pp) March 24th, 2019 Hit 7000pp (7003pp) August 2nd, 2019 Hit 8000pp (8026pp) November 1st, 2019 (Reached with Save Me FC!) Hit 8500pp (8504pp) February 12th, 2020 Hit 9000pp (9125pp) June 8th, 2020 (Reached with Mynarco FC!!!) Hit 10000pp (10030pp) June 4th, 2023 (Wow it took me 3 years)
First 400pp play (402pp) May 14th, 2019 First 450pp play (457pp) December 16th, 2019 First 500pp play (516pp) January 20th, 2020 First 550pp play (583pp) June 8th, 2020
Reached level 100 on March 3rd, 2019 (Rank: #13,379) Reached level 101 on April 14th, 2020 (Rank: #2164) Reached level 102 at some point in time idk Reached top 5k August 17th, 2019 (Rank: #4840) Reached top 2.5k January 20th, 2020 (Rank: #2474)
Reached 1000 Replays Watched 8/11/2022!!
Top 100 plays only 300pp+ reached December 16th, 2019
Peak rank: #1762
Other Favorite Games = NieR Franchise, Smite, PSO2, Smash Ultimate, Dragon Quest XI, CrossCode, Fire Emblem Franchise, Zelda Franchise
Fix my bad tapping habits I tap better now c: [b]Fix inconsistent aim habits (have better disciplined aim) Create a decent map. FC a 7*+ tech map FC'd Seashore on the Moon May 30th, 2021 6am :^) FC Shera...[/b]