twc 2021 5th-6th i will ride this high till the day i die
Rest In Peace Allahmomo4 (2022-2022)
society if no finishers
kddk singletap monkey
AGTS 2020 - you can tell from the badge that says #CHAMPION AGTS 2020
thank you tzechi for being cracked thank you awdse22 for being cracked thank you autisticimouto for being cracked thank you silversufuru lunasaa for accompanying me to watch the 3 crackheads play
Suiji Winter 2020 - semis or something i actually dont remember
3wc 2020 - insta lost
CGTS 2021 1v1 OSEA - 3rd
CGTS 2021 4v4 - 4th lo
twc 2021 - 5-6th place POGGERS
AGTS 2021 - 2nd
i did something this time ?x)
Taiko Suiji Cup 2021 - qf
LGTS 2021 - 4th
EGTS 2021 - ro16
still mad that i missed my chance to play against seren because my laptop had an aneurysm twice