Kiwisama, Wucki, Twiggeryy, tkilele, Santeri, Samoyed, Dragonmob, tikkanen, Jup3KW, Sipsu, Nacrus... there's too many can't name all of them so let's just say all of my mutuals (and also all the gamers I've added)
Offset: 15ms Resolution: 1920x1080 (Borderless) Keys: N and M Sensitivity: 1.0x Style: Drag Single tap: Index finger Tablet: Wacom One Small (CTL-472) Keyboard: Logitech G513 Carbon GX Blue Clicky
Mods and others:
Nowadays mainly playing for fun. I often use HR. I like technical and finger control maps. I also like long a bit streamy maps which don't require much speed. My biggest weaknesses are my speed and stamina, and believe it or not, sliders. Also, can't HD... or more like I won't bother with it... (JK I'm just bad lol, playing like 7 digit with HD). I'm pretty slow player and I lose stamina very quickly. Holding over 200-210 BPM for a long time is difficult for me. Because of this I alternate most of the time but I can somewhat singletap also. I am decent with my aim, however, my aim is very unstable.
Keys:NZXM Style: I basically hit dons with my left hand and kats with my right hand Keyboard: The keyboard I use for Standard. I also sometimes use my laptop to play Taiko so my laptop's keyboard
Mods and others:
My favorite mode after Standard. I used to be really horrible at Taiko and I think I still am not that good. Trying to get even better and maybe some day make some really cool plays! My biggest weakness in Taiko is hitting patterns with lots of kats. I admire players that play with HD in Taiko, and even more the players who play with HD, FL. It would be awesome to be able to play like them.
Catch the Beat
Keys: Default keys
Mods and others:
I use EZ and HT because I can't play this mode at all. This mode is not for me... Just making silly EZ, HT plays.
Keys: Default keys Skin: O2Jam U Ultimate Style: 4k
Mods and others:
I sometimes play Mania and I am not any good at it but it's pretty fun. Maybe I'll learn to play it some day. Edit [13.11.2018]: Getting more and more frustrated playing Mania. Might stick with just 2* maps from now on...
I have made some maps since I started playing osu!. Most of them have been quite random and pretty bad in my opinion. You can propably tell which maps I've made with a "memey" intention and which maps I've put some thought into... I usually map just for fun, not to get anything ranked, however, it would be really cool if I ever got even one of my maps ranked. But to get there I seriously need to learn how to map first.
My maps are usually in Standard mode but I have also tried mapping a few Taiko maps as well. I think I will never even try to map Catch the Beat or Mania.
If you want to test out my maps for some reason, feel free to! Just keep in mind that I'm still mapping just for fun so prepare to get confused and frustrated. Any feedback on my maps is also always welcome!
Started playing osu! - 16.4.2016 (Played only occasionally) Tried making my first map - 21.4.2016 Bought my first Supporter and changed my name to NeTsune - 24.11.2016 Started playing osu! a bit more seriously - 11.1.2017 Under #10 000 in Standard - 19.5.2017 5000pp in Standard - 29.5.2017 3000pp in Taiko - 11.8.2017 First 300pp play in Standard - 15.8.2017 Under #5000 in Taiko - 7.9.2017 First 200pp play in Taiko - 28.9.2017 Under #5000 in Standard - 3.11.2017 Top 100 Finland in Standard - 9.11.2017 Top 25 Finland in Taiko - 13.11.2017 6000pp in Standard - 16.11.2017 4000pp in Taiko - 21.2.2018 Name change - 23.2.2018 6500pp in Standard - 11.3.2018 1000 S ranks in Standard - 13.3.2018 50 000 play count in Standard - 17.3.2018 Name change - 13.4.2018 1000pp in Mania - 17.4.2018 Top 50 Finland in Standard - 25.7.2018 7000pp in Standard - 27.8.2018 Under #2500 in Standard - 6.9.2018 1000pp in CTB - 25.9.2018 At least 1000pp in all modes - 25.9.2018 10 000 play count in Taiko - 25.9.2018 1500pp in Mania - 16.10.2018 First 100pp play in Mania - 23.10.2018 2000pp in Mania - 18.11.2018 (Technically) first 400pp play in Standard after pp changes - 9.2.2019 5000pp in Taiko - 21.3.2019 First "300pp" play in Taiko (fix Taiko star rating pls) - 29.3.2019 8000pp in Standard - 23.1.2020 6000pp in Taiko - 31.1.2020 Lvl 101 in Standard - 11.2.2020 9000pp in Standard - 3.6.2022 First 500pp play in Standard - 6.6.2022 Also passed Lolixir in Standard - 6.6.2022 Yah nvm he's ahead of me again - 10.6.2022 First 400pp play in Taiko - 29.9.2022 (Thanks rework system) 7000pp in Taiko - 29.9.2022 (Thanks again rework system) 9500pp in Standard - 15.12.2022 (I need to stop farming...) Changed tablet (from ctl-490 to ctl-472) - 19.12.2022 All top 100 plays 400pp+ - 10.1.2023
Under #10000 Under #5000 Under #2500 Under #1000 FC a 7 star map FC a 8 star map?!?!?!? 300pp play 400pp play 500pp play 600pp play 6000pp 7000pp 8000pp 9000pp 10 000pp Top 100 Finland Top 50 Finland Top 25 Finland Have Play Time over 500 hours Have Play Time over 750 hours Have Play Time over 1000 hours Have Play Time over 2000 hours 1000 S ranks 2000 S ranks 3000 S ranks Learn to acc Get better at HR Learn not to hate sliders Get faster and more stamina Maybe someday try picking up HD Fix my extremely odd Pen Grip (I really can't...)
Or maybe not with these mods... FL PF EZ
Under #10000 Under #5000 Under #2500 Under #1000 FC a 4 star map FC and Pass a 5 star map Pass a 6 star map 200pp play 300pp play 400pp play 500pp play 4000pp 5000pp 6000pp 7000pp 8000pp Top 100 Finland Top 50 Finland Top 25 Finland Top 10 Finland Have Play Time over 100 hours Have Play Time over 250 hours Have Play Time over 500 hours Have Play Time over 750 hours 500 S ranks Learn to acc Learn HD