modder info

Vararaup's Modding History

Actually whatever the slider looks fine either way. just change 02:53:440 (1) -
No, there's is so much lead way. Make the slider pretty. Including 02:53:440 (1) -
I see hitomi modded this too, except there's no reading issue. If everyone is hitting this, then your testplayers are too good at the game.
nvm it already is
title `桜.華.彩 OFF VOCAL.`
you forgot one
Advanced means no: - 1/4 rhythms - high spacing I rather it's not hard diff because it will make the spread aesthetic worse + cover smaller audience. You guys may or may not care, but I do. That being said, advanced or hard is your choice (I advise you choose to make me happy)
Can you show me where you got 阿知波大輔
Ughh... nit picking me this time? I shouldn't say nat or guy or refer anyone as anything. I'm out I shouldn't had said something
When you try to communicate with the community as a nat only to be flamed for saying "guy"
01:00:514 can you map a jump here, there's a hihat + vocal
I see `Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic` everywhere but `Silk Sonic` totally makes more sense now that I look into it
acutally no the other way around 01:09:112 sounds better on 1/3 03:25:282 remove repeat and map 03:25:920
03:25:282 should be 3/4 like 01:09:112
double/half bpm is stupid but it's 92
01:07:108 whistle
alright airin said sv is fine but they would make ar higher. I'll make it 7 -> 7.5
I think there's only 4 notes, I fine with either way but I'll keep it consistent with top diff
yoo, the wording and format of fuxi looks exactly like my mods
you know what, the more I look at it, the more I think it's fine
it's not really the same as 01:04:793 (1,2,3) -
02:47:527 (5) -
of course this applies to top diff for example 01:09:793 (2,1) -> 1/4 + 3/4 slider
Not okay with this. You're mapping in the middle of a held vocal, it's basically mapping thin air. I suggest circle at 01:10:105, absolutely don't map the blue tick unless it's a double
I will also get more opinions to confirm this
This metronome is wrong. 3/4 doesn't match the drums or the guitar phrases 01:27:913 01:30:413. The vocal/melody goes by a 3/2 rhythm, but everything else is wrong on 3/4. It's 4/4 all the way
there's no way offset is +15
00:22:435 (1) - continue the zig zag what I'm saying is to keep sliders patterned with rest of the stream.
00:29:101 (1,2) - would put this to the right mirrored with 00:28:101 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -
also I would space the circles out instead of stacking
The rhythm is still too easy cause the 1/2 circle chains are so short e.g. 00:32:101 (1,2,3) - 00:35:435 (3,4,5). Would buff by putting real chains of like 5 circles. For example 00:32:101 (1,2,3,4) - 00:34:935 (1,2,3,4) - put a 5 circle chain or something. also avoid spacing this like 1/1 00:32:435 (3,4,5) -
This thread is quite goofy
nah, composers don't go in artist field this is wrong
01:23:642 (7) -
02:13:407 (3) -
It doesn't look any easier. I was thinking something like ![](
The drums are way to prominent to ignore. Mapping just the vocals makes this entire section way to underwhelming.
ok then, extend 00:18:381 (2) - 00:19:631 (6) - 00:23:381 (2) - to white tick. The drums has different intensity, this will acknowledge it to the bare minimum
the pattern makes sense just saying I misread the entire thing even after 3 test plays
oh wait scratch that suggestion I completely misread the pattern even in the editor
you made it sound super bad for no reason, I thought there was a real issue and I was tilted
the stack is out of place, do like something not a stack