[STD: Clear Count: 25,717 (21.25%) | Score Rank: #1,517 (#1,401 Peak) (page 31)] | STD SS count Rank: #93 (#91 peak) [CTB: Clear Count(non-convert): 553/8630 (6.41%) (tracking via This site) | Score Rank: 195,316,156 Until top10k Entry] [Tracking temporarily frozen | CtB last updated at 02.11.2024 @20:35 UTC+3] Activity: Half-Retired. Mostly playing other rhythm games and single player stuff... But playing here for the daily. Last update of above information: 09.08.2024 (dd.mm.yy) | Also known as Meru / Meru-chan DM me for Mutual if you have added me! I'm also looking for friends to talk to- Also all of my TD plays are played on a mobile phone (Xiaomi poco x6 pro since very recent time-)
Sometimes fooling around in qualified section. Possibly looking for friends, feel free to msg me >< Also try to DM me if you already added me so I can mutual too! Rejecting discord friend requests without notice / from people that are not my friends! Please contact in osu DMs first, Those are open always. よっしーよっしー
Short-term: Those goals are expected to be done within a few months at most.
250 Fullmod SS Scores (osu!) (Complete) 13000 SS Ranks (osu!) (Complete) 25000 maps cleared (osu!) (Complete) Level 101 (osu!) (Complete) Top 1000 Ranked Score (osu!) (#1.5k) 200 Medals (Complete) 230 Medals (Complete) Top 10000 ranked score (osu!catch)
Long-Term: Those goals are primary objectives of my osu career and will take a very long while to complete.
"Number" goals: Level 105 (osu!) Have more playtime hours than PP (osu!) 80% of all osu maps as profile clears (osu!) 60% of all osu maps as SS or S ranks. (osu!) Clear Completion [Play Every Single Ranked and Loved map] (osu! And osu!catch) Get as many medals as I can. [Permanent goal] Get Noticed for the grind, and avoid more dramas from people that choose to be against my ways too.
Rank Goals: Top 100 ranked score (osu!) Top 1 RU by amount of profile clears - OR Complete the game (osu!) Top 1 RU by SS count - OR Get at least 66% of Zalaria's SS count (osu!) Top 10 by SS count for every year [Currently only 2007] - OR Get 50% of Zalaria's SS count for every year (osu!) [2007] Get more Ranked Score than VietJason while having more PP than VietJason (osu!) [0/2]
Long-term "git gud" goals: Those goals are related to skill improvement / passes / FC's etc and are intended to be long-term.
Pass all diffs of Hana ni Natta Shounen no Shinwa (osu!) [4/4] [Complete on 05.07.2021] A rank on all diffs of Hana ni Natta Shounen no Shinwa? (osu!) [4/4] [Complete on 10.04.2022] Try to pass more 6 stars... (osu!) Pass the unforgiving without HT OR FC the unforgiving with HT (osu!) Get more PP than VietJason (osu!) [3,477/4,194]
Impossible goals: Goals in this section are considered to be impossible or would take me a lifetime amount of time / a miracle to happen. They are here to just show what I could theoretically want / dream of. If any of those ends up getting completed that will be veeery huge of an event for me.
1000 followers 500 mutuals 10000 replays watched by others Level 110 (osu!) FC all diffs of Hana ni Natta Shounen no Shinwa (osu!) [0/4] Get more SS ranks than Zalaria (osu!) Top 10 ranked score (osu!) 5 digit pp rank lol (osu!) Become a GMT and stay like that for at least a year. Probably something to do with other modes here...
04/04/2016 - started to play this game ??/03/2018 - 1000pp (std) 25/06/2018 - 2.5b ranked score (std) 28/09/2018 - 10b total score (std) 30/10/2018 - 1500pp (std) 02/11/2018 - first 100pp+ play (std) 07/04/2019 - 5b ranked score (std) 22/08/2019 - 1000pp (osu!taiko) (: 18/10/2019 - 2000pp (std) 16/01/2020 - 5000 A or higher ranks (std) 23/01/2020 - 10b ranked score (std) 04/02/2020 - The Big Black HT pass (std) 05/02/2020 - First 150pp play (std) 14/02/2020 - Achieved level 100! (std) 24/02/2020 - 15b ranked score (std) 12/04/2020 - 3000pp (std) 16/04/2020 - Top 10k ranked score (std) 19/04/2021 - Apex of the Vortex HT FC (std) CS10 01/05/2021 - 25b ranked score and 10000 maps done (std) 20/05/2021 - 3000 SS (std) 19/06/2021 - Top 5000 ranked score! (std) 24/06/2021 - Passed Ceui - Hana ni Natta Shounen no Shinwa [As long as you shine I'll be with you forever]! (14 minutes 5.94*) (std) 09/07/2021 - 100 followers (I don't even know who followed after I hit 99...) (General) 24/07/2021 - 5000 SS ranks (std) 18/08/2021 - Top 2500 Score Ranking (std) 03/09/2021 - 500 Replays Watched by Others (std) (No idea who watches my plays..) 08/11/2021 - Top 3 RU by SS ranks! (std) 30/12/2021 - #2 RU by SS ranks! (std) 19/01/2022 - First Russian Player to SS a 35+ Minute map!! (Living things) Tweet 05/02/2022 - Top 100 Overall by amount of SS ranks! (std) 10/02/2022 - 50 Billion Ranked Score (std) 06/04/2022 - First 200 PP play! (std) 01/05/2022 - Top 10 by SS Count on 2007 maps! (std) -> 05/05/2022 - 200 SS on 2007 maps! 21/08/2022 - 10000 SS ranks! (std) | 93rd person to do so! 14/01/2023 - First 100 PP 4-Mod Play! (std) 03/09/2023 - 300 Followers! (General) 08/09/2023 - 1000pp! (osu!catch) 24/05/2024 - 25000 Cleared maps! (std) 27/08/2024 - Level 101 Achieved! (std)
(in no particular order) Everyone here is much better than me. This is a list of people I interacted with quite a bit and decided that they are worth mentioning. Bold Text - people I talk often to!
Kolmas - Very nice score farmer. Specialized in NFSO. Also Cute.【一】 tomatas95 - Makes eroge maps. Also somewhat cute. Ganondorf - Nice person and a completionist (Over 50% done too!) Also Cute. -Skye - Very good accuracy player. [六] mrrrk - Good person in general. Tarantemo - Good score farmer as well. Also Cute. (But it is told that they are horny... But if they were then they'd be more cute????? Anyway, This is not a confirmed kind of information.)【一】 [-Vappy-] - Funny and initially motivated me to farm SCOER Respektive - 罗纳德 respektive 麦当劳 clown 精神错乱 incident mmi_ - Epic person inspire4life - Also a good person, but too focused towards "being good" and thinks that i can improve when that's definitely false (: FR13ND - Real-life friend. RoseYoshino - Good person and aspiring SCOER farmer, using same osu skin as them. They also have a nice map i want to see ranked.【四】 Senndwich - A very nice person I met randomly from #osu, seems to like the kind of things I do.. I feel like I want to get along with them more <3 [一二] roeky - Funny person, Aspiring SS farmer. Has a D rank on vivid. [unfortunately quit, could be low rank SS or quit..] BlueChinchompa - All modes player who for some weird reason doesn't like HR and likes HD which is REALLY wrong in my opinion, but they are my friend anyway 【一】 (Probably my best osu friend) GeOiD 2004 - Good Russian S rank Farmer (Yes, they don't want SS ranks)【一】 Torveld - HD SS farmer with more experience than me in the game but somehow less pp. The only player that has more hours than PP while having less PP than me currently. Zalaria - person that understands my struggles in osu game the most. That is aside the fact this person SS'd more than 2/3 of the entire OSU game. Also known as Proest (for a reason) arctice - Another precious person. I actually know them from tetris and they are super nice and sweet. 【一】
Other nice people I haven't mentioned above: MF JEWM, Zipesy_312
People I used to have pleasant experiences with, but then they stopped being my friends: Ohhhjt2, Raphee, tchienkh
This place is reserved for completion milestones related to completing all maps of a specific year as well as other notable accomplishments related to Score Farming and Game Completion.
Yearly progress: 20/06/2021 - Submitted a score on every 2007 map! (353 maps)
22/07/2021 - Completed every gochiusa map! I really like this anime and things related to it so I had to do this before getting really far into completion