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i will mark this as solved, but you can reopen this
for me feels okey this one
nope, the connection with the 1/4 and 1/8 is not the best, you need to look for the pattern itself and the sound that starts developing here 01:47:731 (3) - because maintaining the current wiggles and entrance doesn't make too much sense if you start the wiggle here 01:47:349 (1) - doesn't make sense because 01:47:095 (1) - has the same pitch as the start of 1/8 meaning that there is no point in making it 1/8 and also, could have more diversity during that part and starting the 1/8 wiggle at 01:47:731 (3) -
forgot to mention but for 00:23:451 (1,2,3) - maybe would be more fitting a repetitive 1/4 wiggles on a corner instead of three separated sliders because feels off-pace
The last notes are mentioned by Dahcreeper, but i agree with him
I don't want to discuss so much, so i will just apply this :3
Actually i removed those notes, so nvm
Fixed, also did a change adding notes here 00:35:293 (6,7,8,9,10,1,2) -
is it that neccesary? i find it worth leaving it, i added a note in sync to the slider zzz for me is like not giving any issues there, but if that's reallyyy neccesary i would (prefer to leave different things that would remark my diff in difference of the others and also fit)
what the
feliz navidad
Hmmm, can you check if this is 1/6 or 1/4? i'm not sure, it sounds like 1/6 but i will make it 1/4!
i think the first one is ok but i noticed something while checking this. 03:46:544 (5,6) - made this a 2 hdash note jump and 03:46:294 (4) - became a slider instead :)
01:08:608 (2,3,4,5) - made this flowy
Decided to remove the previous 1/16 patterns (those were 1/16 on 1/4) to keep the consistency and because i felt it quite unnecesary to the rhythm
01:20:483 (5) - made a distance for this one and the other one i decide to keep it, since it's mostly the entrance of the hype part and making a big chain before that would be a little too much for the rhythm and the emphasis
better now
done, i fixed all of those, if there is any other i will fix it!
i made a something there, applied changes but in my way :3
now the spin has been modified due to changes so the only route doesn't lead to any trap spin
I think i'm gonna keep this because of the vocal
made a little more movement!
it was made on purpose, so i will keep this one (you can hit it multiple times and the idea of it is just having some "hard" parts)
reduced a little bit
applied, also retouched a few more things there :3
done, fixed luminosity of the values!
done, fixed.
Thx, i will still fix it then!
not sure to change this one, quite unrelevant since the players would need to retry the map more than one time to get this FC, so i consider kinda hard to now remember that this spinner is unrelevant to the gameplay, just fits