modder info

kundi's Modding History

the normal-hitwhistles were unintentional they should have been soft aswell Fixed btw - close
idk what you mean with they weren't being used but as i see in the map my hitsounds are focus on the vocals. Maybe the vocals arent many at all before the 1:06 section thats why you dont hear them often
i hope it was this SS i might need to relook later sorry for it...
well you can add that to here as well 01:22:681 (1,2,3,4,5) -
agree with him. You dont really need to emphasise this breath. Many starts of new sections have kinda this situation but mappers usually ommit those sounds and start where the downbeat starts bc the melody and all the instruments come there together in harmony Edit: in the other hard it looks a bit awkward to run an object when... well literally nothing is to hear
04:14:660 (1) - this isnt rather a problem however its the same melody and vocals or in other words just a repetition which i think the solution is to make the same as the other 2 problematic onces
02:37:370 (5) -
02:18:084 (2,3,4) - 02:23:655 (4,5,6,7,1) - 02:26:227 (5,6,7,8) - 02:30:512 (4,5,6,7,1) - 02:32:655 (4,5,1) - 02:34:370 (3,4,1) -
01:21:084 (5,6) -
Your ears are really sharp. Meanwhile me not even hearing it at 100% master 80% effect 30% music
isnt it meant to represent the vocals here? 01:59:325 - 02:00:674 - and 02:02:022 - 02:03:370 -
02:08:089 (3,4,5) -
i might relook at if i did a mistake
Also your finish hitsounding does appear way too often and sounds for some skins too much for what it should provide. Replace them with hitnormals
consider to change genre and language in the infobox as well
different mapper - different preferences
i like to have some variations because in beginner maps holding motions seem more difficult for players. Since the intensity raised up i used sliders and the slow it down with circles in the one section where the intensity drops
what new instrument am i following in your perception exactly? suske
nope, its not unrankable and looks fine to me
eh what i mean... this map has such back and forth sliders without proper flow and still managed to do that...
i remember just starting this game and my first played map was literally this here i rly not was a type of guy that liked normal diffs xd anyways i remeber dealing with those sliders alrdy at the first point alrdy and realizing this type of thing quickly. Thus i ve my play from 6years ago :p still 393 out of 399 combo... sadge
lon no BN anymore sadge
sounds like a wall mod issue ig
hope its better now
i chose specifically this for the guitar stopping with circle at where 1 is and 2 slider holding bc the guitar does exactly the same. Ofc yours does a good job as well but thats my intention
its gonna be fine
i changed smth alrdy due to your previous mod...
huh i dont see smth ._. (ssshhhh..) its just a bit "more similar" nothing else <.<
flowwise its supposed to make the players stop for that moment and not go back and forth. This is kinda the points players have to realize that on kicksliders
how exactly?
the music is a repetition normally from 00:20:527 but idk... it doesnt register my gameplay on it especially when it is passive and not active clicking
gonna maintain it - i wanna fully set my point to main instrument and not the other onces.
The thing is about the mappers intentions here to not interfere but also raising the quality of the map itself by supporting more and more of what he does. Given what you re saying is: "completely avoid this mod if u like them idrc; they're all fine. dumb mod just wanted to give my opinion" i ve decided to be in this way just for many sliders in the kiai part to be chaotic since it was at the begining to style a chaotic beatmap at all. And thats the climax of that "chaotism" i ve choosed to go. Thus its consistency is covered throughout the section since its sliders are all designed in a similar way. and no, based on my mapdesign i judge to choose whether the modder is right or not because he has a reason why he wrote it.
well i dont really like the purpose of a mod to give just an own opinion by knowing thats its subjective alrdy rather than pointing out inconsistenciens or patterns that wont work together
no wait they dont even do that. Wtf they have zero purpose at all... ??????? gonna remove them
there are no SV changes there. The only reason the green lines exist is the support of hitsounds for the default skins
dont mistake them together - its not the same 01:44:924 (8) - has an important sound
honestly that was my idea but i nerfed it - it had a horrible readability for players
visual emphasis for the main instrument
no, completely unintentional due to my 4-5 sliderspeed nerfs i wasnt able to check them all properly...