Yunzii RT75 [Outemu Hall Effect] Actuation: 2.7mm - no rapid trigger
Tablets: Brought the CTH-480 back from retirement on 26.08.2024 Added 14.10.2022: Wacom CTH-470/P + CTH-470/W + CTH-670/S Added 11.10.2022: Wacom CTH-470/K 20.03.2019 - 10.10.2022: Wacom CTH-480/S so long old friend o/ 06.01.2018 - 20.03.2019: Wacom CTL-490/W
Area: 75.00mm x 56.25mm
Monitors: 1: BenQ ZOWIE XL2411P 144hz 2: slightly nicer old TV with a crunchy resolution
The old TV with crunchy resolution died on 07.08.2024
I will not be returning to serious play for a multitude of reasons. I'll still be enjoying music, making new skins or other fun stuff. See you next time!
January: 1pp [8.784pp] - Best Play: 243pp Overdrive +NM February: 0pp [8.784pp] - Best Play: - uhhh March: 3pp [8.787pp] - Why the hell would you cap bonus pp at 1.000 played maps...? April: 0pp [8.787pp] - Best Play: 328pp Rain +HD May: 9pp [8.796pp] - Best Play: 414pp Aruku +HD June: 0pp [8.796pp] - Best Play: 420pp Above the Winter Moonlight (didnt overwrite) July: 0pp [8.796pp] - Best Play: uhhh August: 3pp [8.799pp] - Best Play: 391pp Pink Kurage to, Sotto, Kiss o Shita. +HD September: 0pp [8.799pp] - Best Play: 326pp Say Goodbye [Fiery's] +HD October: 0pp [8.799pp] - Best Play: 309pp Euphorium +HD November: -63pp [8.736pp] - Best Play: nuh uh [csr is cool but the rest of this rework aint it man...] December: 0pp [8.736pp] - Best Play: nuh uh again, barely played because hends hurt
//Get more cool scores [I mean i got like 5 or so? But yeah nah]
//Enjoy Game, get mad less often [I was less mad but the game wasn't very fun] //250 hits per play [started at like 215, ended around 223] //Level 104 //Play maps all the way through [did so more often but yeah] //Further improve on alt maps //Relearn HDHR and get some scores with that //Maybe get better at high bpm [220+] //Stop tapping so hard and lifting my fingers 10 meters jesus christ //9.000pp [super optional and even more unlikely]
PP Gain 2023: 2pp [Start @ 8.781pp] January: 1pp [8.782pp] - Best Play: 322pp Clock Strikes +HDHR February: 0pp [8.782pp] - Best Play: 362pp We Got It +HD March: 0pp [8.782pp] - Best Play: 336pp Majotachi no Shanikusai +HD April: 0pp [8.782pp] - Best Play: 282pp Wonder Stella +HD May: 1pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 316pp A Better Place, A Better Time +HD June: 0pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 324pp Divine Attack - Shingeki +HD July: 0pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 374pp Hana ni Natta Shounen no Shinwa +HD August: 0pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 269pp One +NM September: 0pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 286pp Palette +NM October: 0pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 187pp Second Limit +HD November: 0pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 250pp Letterbomb +NM December: 0pp [8.783pp] - Best Play: 364pp Palette +HD
//Get some cool scores [yea I got a lot of nice scores] //Stop having ridiculous expectations for myself [not expecting to improve pp wise anymore]
//Less retrying [if you count playing less entirely? lol] //Enjoy Game [sometimes yea, sometimes it made me want to commit warcrimes] //Improve all regards of mechanics [got better at everything that isnt mechanics tho...?]
//Relearn the Game entirely [nop] //Less complaining [turned the complaining notch to 12, did quite the opposite] //Stop making a thousand skins, make one proper skin [nah i still made like 20]
PP Gain 2022: 212pp [Start @ 8.569pp] January: 2pp [8.571pp] Best Play: 333pp Everything Will Freeze +HTHDHR February: 1pp [8.572pp] Best Play: 380pp Foreground Eclipse Comp II +HD March: 39pp [8.611pp] Best Play: 441pp Hell! or Hell? +HD April: 1pp [8.612pp] Best Play: 319pp THERE IS A REASON +HDDT May: 1pp [8.613pp] Best Play: 326pp Tsukitourou +HD June: 29pp [8.642pp] Best Play: 435pp Omoi ga Rekishi ni Kawaru Toki +HDDT July: 1pp [8.643pp] Best Play: 355pp Inferno +HD August: 4pp [8.647pp] Best Play: 394pp Glory Days +HD September: 115pp [Thanks Rework] + 2pp [8.764pp] Best Play: 368pp Give Me a Nightmare +HD October: 0pp [8.764pp] Best Play: 371pp Tears Don't Fall +HD November: 17pp [8.781pp] Best Play: 417pp Mynarco +HD December: 0pp [8.781pp] Best Play: 374pp Headless Goddess +HD
//Noticably improve my Aim [still don't know how to do that, weh] //FC Blankfield - Goodbye [Intense] +HT [had a 2x and 2 1sb runs, o well] //Reach 8.750pp [Start at 8.081pp, Ended at 8.569pp] //Pick up mapping and create at least 3 playable maps [yeah nah I lack the commitment] //Stream on Twitch more often //Improve Finger/Aim control //Enjoy Game //Play more unranked maps //Try to improve Profile Acc to 99.30% [Start at 99.20%] [Ended at 99.39, peaked at 99.45] //Try to get a 500pp play [optional] [biggest fluke of my life + stupid sb + no longer 500 cause rework but whatever]
PP Gain 2021: [488pp | 628pp gained, 140pp lost through PP changes] January: 395pp [53pp Rebalance] [8.476pp] Best Play: 443pp If You Can't Hang [WTF HAPPENED ON JANUARY 2ND AND 3RD??? 94pp and 58pp gained???] February: 4pp [8.480pp] Best Play: 386pp Xevel +HDHR March: 56pp [8.536pp] Best Play: 422pp Last Moment +HDHR April: 8pp [8.544pp] Best Play: 402pp United +HD May: 1pp [8.545pp] Best Play: 353pp Grayed out Antifront June: 3pp [8.548pp] Best Play: 378pp El Dorado July: -82pp [8.466pp, PP Changes] Best Play: 386pp The Words I Never Said August: 141pp [8.607pp] Best Play: 518pp Sidetracked Day +NFHD September: 7pp [8.614pp] Best Play: 401pp The Words I Never Said +HD Oktober: uhh November: -56pp [8.568pp, PP Changes] Best Play: 385pp Dropout +HD December: 1pp [8.569pp] Best Play: 360pp Mattress Actress +HD
//Improve my sense of Rhythm //Get to a good Level of Consistency/Acc/Aim //FC a 7* map or get a 400pp Play [400pp on 05.06.2020 22:47 UTC+2, 7* FC on 26.09.2020 22:07 UTC+2] //Reach 7250pp: Started at 6.456pp [#10.666] Done: 19.05.2020, Ended at 8.081pp [#4.959] //Learn Hardrock //Enjoy Game //Become a lot better at technical Maps [that didnt happen, still procrastinating on that too much] //Pass FREEDOM DiVE [FOUR DIMENSIONS] [yeah that didnt happen either lol] Overall pretty satisfied with my improvement, but as always, there is a long way to go...
PP Gain this year: [1625pp] January: 379pp [6835pp] Best Play: 365pp Tsukinami February: 54pp [6889pp] Best Play: 360pp Senya Songs Compilation +HDDT March: 123pp [7012pp] Best Play: 358pp Rondo Alla Turca +HDDT April: 105pp [7117pp] Best Play: 366pp Sidetracked Day (Short Ver.) +HDHR May: 237pp [7354pp] Best Play: 376pp Additional Memory +HDHR June: 196pp [7550pp] Best Play: 416pp Patchwork Staccato +HDDT July: 29pp [7579pp] Best Play: 370pp Yousei Teikoku - one +HDHR August: 212pp [7791pp] Best Play: 395pp Help +HDHR September: 209pp [8000pp] Best Play: 428pp Save Me Oktober: 0pp [8000pp] took a break lul November: 0pp [8000pp] still on a break lmao December: 81pp [8081pp] Best Play: 430pp 115 +HDHR
Actually get good at this game: got a lot better, still far from where i want to be Global #5000: didnt happen lmao [start at #22.806, 20k 05.02., 15k 26.03, ended at #10.630] Pass an 8 star map: 8.25* pass 01.04.2019 - was my top Play LUL FC a 7 star map [4 miss on 7.88*, 2 miss on 7.05*, 3 miss on 6.86*] Farm a ton of PP [start at 4722, 1734pp gained (162pp through pp changes) ended at 6456pp] Get a 300pp Play before /7859565: Done 20.03.2019 [and again 6 more times] Overtake /7859565: Done 26.03.2019 20:34:12 UTC+1 [took 600 Hours] [got overtaken again.. 01.06.2019 20:43:13 UTC+1] 1000pp gained: 24.04.2019
Peppy Plays: First 100pp Play: 04.06.2018: Supercell - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari +NM First 150pp Play: 28.07.2018: CBCC +HDDT First 200pp Play: 29.07.2018 CBCC [Triangle Cookie] +HDDT [lol] First 250pp Play: 20.11.2018: Kimi no Bouken +HDHRSD (Nevo) First 300pp Play: 20.03.2019: Harebare Fanfare +HDDT First 350pp Play: 11.08.2019: Harumachi Clover [Fiery's] +HDDT First 400pp Play: 05.06.2020: Patchwork Staccato +HDDT First 450pp Play: uhh rework screwed this up, still havent set a score that was 450-499 at the time of doing it First 500pp Play: uhh? 10.08.2021: Sidetracked Day [Infinity Inside] +NFHD - but rework killed it, now its 472.72 [more reworks, now its 490.95] 99% Profile Accuracy: 29.08.2020 Peak Profile Acc: 99.45%
Ranks: 100.000: 01.07.2018 90.000: 07.07.2018 80.000: 27.07.2018 70.000: 29.07.2018 60.000: 01.08.2018 50.000: 19.09.2018 40.000: 25.09.2018 35.000: 10.10.2018 30.000: 09.11.2018 25.000: 04.12.2018 20.000: 05.02.2019 15.000: 26.03.2019 10.000: 13.01.2020 9.000: 22.01.2020 8.000: 11.02.2020 7.000: 07.05.2020 6.000: 05.06.2020 5.000: 02.09.2020 4.000: 10.01.2021 v 5.000: dropped below again 02.09.2022 [2 years on the dot lmao] ... ^ 5.000: 30.09.2022 Thanks Crappy Rework lol v 5.000: 06.11.2022 mmm decay v 6.000: 12.05.2023 the rot consumes v 7.000: 01.11.2023 its joever v 8.000: 20.03.2024 yeah man it was such a good idea to cap bonus pp at 1.000 maps, this cost me 470 ranks v 10.000: 02.11.2024 combo scaling removal is very cool if you dont fc maps, like I do... ^ 10.000: 06.11.2024 rework might be done fucking around with the rankings? v 10.000: 20.11.2024 ya this time for real