Started actively playing at like end of 2020 beginning of 2021
First 200 - Sore wa Chiisana Hikari no Youna (TV Size) [browiec's Expert] +DT
First 300 - Colors Power ni Omakasero! [Mitsuboshi Jump!] +HR (almost 400 choke)
First 400 - Above the Winter Moonlight [Freedom] +HR (its not 400 anymore after reworks lmao) (BUT i got graveyard score 400pp on beatmapsets/286471#osu/646737 few weeks before ranked 400pp)
First 500 - Aitakatta Sora [Dream World] +DT (almost skipped with Sidetracked day by Chanci but unlucky)
silversnax 1 month <3 Ririga 1 month <3 SIDI 4 months (Second MVP after Mirouos on this page) RiceCat 1 month (I feel really bad about that one) Sirek 1 month (Holy poggers, thx for the first gifted supporter) LoadingCyrillic 2 months (Chad) Mirouos 2 months (What the fuck dude, huge thx) Pacmard 1 month TheCyberDragon7 1 month gooedragon (briella) 4 months + 1m of Discord Nitro LLIaBKa 1 month Danneh 1 month Pokemonya(?) 1 month Venpris for helping when i was a 6digit Emerald Ages to fill my stupid tournament history sheet faster