osu!standard Oceania Tournament 2 (OT2) 2020 - Team 靐 osu!standard Blooming Showdown - Team :underage::monkey: osu!catch states clash tournament 2021 - Team QLD/WA Mixed osu!catch Australian Open Tournament 2 (AOT2) 2022 - Solo Tournament osu!standard Broccoli Cup 2 2022 - Team Muggers osu!catch Australian Open Tournament 3 (AOT3) 2023 - Solo Tournament osu!catch 4 Digit Catch World Cup (4CWC) - Team Australia
01/05/2022 ~ #35,444 07/05/2022 ~ #35,608 14/05/2022 ~ #35,853 21/05/2022 ~ #36,107 (Decayed to country rank 1000, have mostly been playing ctb) 28/05/2022 ~ #36,297