02:38:406 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - думаю парт занадто різко переходить з звичайного спейсінга до прям крутого, пофікси, чи шось придумай, бо це якось спонтанно + дуже складно
xootynator's UR bar after the second time point - https://i.imgur.com/72nMwaM.png
Do i still need to explain why this report is reasonable?
You should look at the players' opinions at the first place, not the BN's opinions, since most BN's never even play maps, and some of them don't know how to time maps (wafer).
Fix this issue, thank you!
I wouldn't report that if i didn't had issues with late tapping. Every time I pass this specific time point i'm having issues with late tapping. With +10ms it feels just fine.
Also yeah, in lazer it looks exactly how i feel it when im playing it.
And the gap between the white bar and the sound wave is exactly 10ms