❄️ Welcome To -ExGon-'s Userpage ❄️(That one real Glaceon on osu!)
❄️Glaceon and furry enjoyer❄️|❄️Future 4 modes completionist❄️|❄️Tournament staff as referee and/or playtester❄️|❄️Beginner mapper❄️|❄️Eternal noob in all modes❄️
Tournament staff spreadsheet - if you need referee and/or playtester in your tournament, just let me know, thanks! Possible response is just on Discord: f0xina Please note that as a referee I only use the spreadsheet and Hexchat/CoreIRC. Also, you can found me on osu! Tournament Hub I'll probably try to get into the Tournament Committee.
Current goal (in game): - focus on being referee and/or playtester - being completionist on ctb (converts and specifics) - being again #1 in Ranked Score in PL - being #1 in Overall SS - learn ctb mapping
Current goal (in real life): - Must find a jobI finally have! (since September/October 2024) - I want him to be happy, he is the only one I love more than life, a only one goal I don't want to lose
35000/36000 SS (CTB) (1st 30k SS in ctb in PL ~ 02-12-2023)
Completionist stuff
Completionist Site - just follow by instruction in 'How To Use' button (this site is from my beloved Bowashe ❤️. Please, write to him about the site, I feel like I'm taking credit for it and I feel uncomfortable...)
I want do completionist on all modes, so wish me luck (too low time to progresses in game because irl stuff and i want to spend more time with my boyfriend)
If you can see me in-game, but you don't see my ranking etc. I'm probably in HexChat or CoreIRC. You can send me a message anytime even I'm not online, I always check notifications on osu! site. You must have mutual with me cause I block non-friend message. If you want mutual, register on Mutualify. >>> My Friendlist Oh, and if you don't like or hate me, just unfriend and ignore me.
I'm not a tournament player, I usually don't play seriously, just for fun. I prefer to participate more as a staff person, you can ask me about referee or playtester in your tournament (about my referee style I saying above the userpage). Please, don't even try invite me on tournament as player, I want to forget about playing that.
Being a mapper sucks, a lot of maps end up in the trash because no one wants to help rank the map. I hate that process where every BN's don't like your map or soundtrack.. It's highly demotivating. (No, I don't want have GD's as my first ranked beatmap, It's prolly too weird for mapper..)
I won't hide it, I'm disgusted with this community. Please don't try to convince me to go back there, I have no desire to associate with those people. The Polish mentality is really funny and f___ed up, you want to inform the community about something, but when you can't reveal the source of the information, you'll be dragged through the mud. And to be clear, I do not hold a grudge against EVERYONE in the Polish community, some are ok. It's just that people who can't understand certain things, or people who are toxic, are downright repulsive to me. And saying that I have 'Antipolonism' is very weird for me cause I never EVER said that I didn't want to identify as Polish.
Note to others: You've probably noticed my Twitter posts from before November (2023) to the end of January (2024) (I'm talking about the ones where I wanted to leave). Well, I've been suffering from depressive episodes for a long time, which, as far as I remember, have been going on since 2018, and I was only diagnosed in 2022/2023. Since then, I've also been taking antidepressants, which have somehow stabilized my mental state so far. Please don't treat this as an attempt to be noticed by society. I just want you to know the situation I'm in. It's not at all pleasant to wake up with tears in your eyes every morning with recurring thoughts to end myself. It's really tiring when I show myself happy on the outside, while inside I'm fighting my own psyche. If you want to check if everything is okay with me, feel free to write in-game or on Discord (I will tell you right away that anyone who will only make fun of my illness will be ignored, and if that does nothing, I will block).
Blue Vaporous Flippy88 Evil Akuma I am not congratulating anyone for finding themselves on this list. If you only wanted to hurt me mentally, you chose the wrong person to do it. Mentally hurting a depressed person is completely inappropriate and I advise each of you to think about things before you ever want to speak up.
The cutest taiko player, thank you for try healing my depression and I'm sorry you for any pain that you feel because of me.. Luv you so much.. my life doesn't have sense without you.. Thank you for giving me hope when I was in a complete mental breakdown and not letting me die. You are the best thing that could have happened to me in my life. Thank you very much..
My eternal beloved taiko player, I want to spend the rest of my life with you my sweetheart <3 ^^ My beloved is so cute that I can't describe it >.<