LMS: Shift Cup 2018: Team Truncated OCTAheDons, Group Stage EUTT 2018: Round of 16 CGTS 2019: Europe Bracket, Round of 16, Commentator TNT 2019: Group Stage Suiji 2020: Commentator TWC 2020: Team United Kingdom, 3rd Place CTT 2020: Quarterfinals (lost every match, many wbd) LMS 2020: Team United Kingdom B, Group Stage EGTS 2020: Commentator IGTS 2020: Commentator JOKE 2020: Quarterfinals AGTS 2020: Commentator NUOT!3 2020: Bracket 4, 1st Place Suiji Winter Cup 2020: Team 💪👶KF🆑'sMcSpicy.osz, Semifinals BGTS 2020: Commentator 3TWC 2021: Team United Kingdom, Captain, Commentator, Quarterfinals TWC 2021: Team United Kingdom, Commentator, Group Stage VAF 2021: 25th/64th Swiss Bracket, Commentator BOMB 2021: Semifinals TMT 2021: Quarterfinals EGTS 2021: Commentator JOKE Spacebar Jam 2021: Semifinals, Commentator SGTS 2021: Testplayer YGTS 2022: Team 8, 1st Place TWC 2022: Commentator SMT HD ScHroDingers Boxes 2022: Groups AGTS 2022: Commentator Harumachi Cup Omega: Commentator 4CWC 2022: Team United Kingdom, Semifinals EGTS 2022: Commentator NUOT Autumn 1v1: Novice Bracket, 2nd Place Taiko Suiji Cup 2023: Commentator YGTS 2023: Team 10, 2nd Place SGTS 2023: Team Metzbros, Semifinals TWC 2023: Commentator NUOT Bingo: Team 2, 2nd Place 6WC 2023: Team United Kingdom, 4th Place 4CWC 2023: Team United Kingdom, Semifinals COEGTS 2023: Commentator UKCT 2023: Quarterfinals, Commentator JOKE Paradigm/SHIFT 2023: Semifinals, Commentator TWC 2024: Commentator 1KWC 2024: Team United Kingdom, 2nd Place, Commentator TMWC 2024: Team United Kingdom B - Ongoing