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heykalu's Modding History

don't forget to bring that drankdrankdrank 😝😝😝
only if you got racks now 😳🤭
hallo my fav osu femboy :3
erm will add very soon
you so right. dfixed
agree. fix
no worries pooks <3
still hoping for some assistance on this one before i do something dumb and move it to resolved
upped the spacing only slightly cause like i said this specific reverse slider represents 1/8 drums
kawaii anime HAPPYYYY~!!! <3
not sure how i should really move forward here. ig the only thing i can think of is leave it as is or increase the angle and decrease the spacing or i could go all out and have high spacing and harsh angle idk
i originally had sharper angles in those streams but another mod ( suggested a nerf to the sharp angles. to be clear, the mod i linked is only pointing out that one of the streams that had a sharp angle was an outlier compared to the other ones, but it seemed that the angle of the stream would be too difficult paired with the spacing of the stream already.
made it all consistentA>. FIXED
i made the spacing the same for each stream but i think the movement of the last stream is fine. even though the note itself is lower on the last stream, the vocals become more screech-like in the last death stream as opposed to the previous two more groan-like vocals. to me, this makes the last stream even more intense than the previous ones even though the note is lower. as such, i want to represent the screech-like stream as more intense than the other ones so i am keeping the movement but reducing the spacing. re-open if you still have problem i will be gone for a while bae
this specific part is 1/8 (the slider and the finisher note). not sure how much i can space it up without making it kinda gross to play
remapped the whole section to make consistent with the guitar/bass and long-lasting vocals. i chose to not use kick sliders to represent the vocals in the second half because it would turn into a slider jump section (which i don't like the gameplay of) instead of a stream section (which would represent the song better here)
wtf i literally did give up on the vocals.. nice catch! gonna get to this and the rest tomorrow thought cause i am deadass gonna have to remap this whole sectiopn
you're so right FIXEDfEDC
fixed it pookie
i love the way you worded this omg
thanks pooks :3 i changed it
i fixc
i like this. i cahnge it
ended up changing this part almost entirely cause i realized i missed a hitsound while i was doing your suggestion lmao
fixes dit
triue. corrected
made them sliders cause that sounds cooler
dxidfixed it
i like the flow 02:04:479 (2,3,4) into 02:04:779 (1,2) as is but i do agree control g 02:05:079 (1,2) is better. i control g the second change and changed the first part to make it fit better
nice catch. fixed
added something epic at the end. thanks again :')
added something nice at the end. tysm!!
ohhh lmao i see. i thought i just completely had the shape wrong. thanks! fixed
i like that idea. added alll thesets
true. fixedsa
agree.,.q fixed
fixed up the visuals
you so right i fixed it
wdym? this is a square no?
fixed this exactly how u suggested before i read this lol
i like this. fix
agree. fixed
i think i'll close this for now. will reopen if need be
i honestly don't see the issue with this one. the combo stays in the top right corner for a bit longer than usual but i don't understand what the problem with that is. also, i personally like this pattern's difficulty spike, note placement, and flow.
you right. fixed the spacing