Hello! I am just the average student and twitch streamer that is kinda addicted to clicking circles Also my profile says that my account got created November 2015, but I actually started playing consistently April 2019 also my profile is very outdated, i need to update this
12/31/2019 Thank you Geodash for the 1 year supporter! 11/08/2020 Thank you ill onion for the 1 month supporter! 12/24/2020 Thank you ill onion for the 2 months supporter again! 12/25/2020 Thank you Bubbly for the 1 month supporter! 12/26/2020 Thank you A Secret for the 6 months supporter! TO ANYONE ELSE THAT HAS ALSO GIVEN ME SUPPORTER THANK YOU <3 IT'S BEEN LIKE 2 YEARS SINCE I UPDATED THIS SO I HONESTLY DO NOT REMEMBER HOW MANY OF YOU GAVE ME SUPPORTER I APPRECIATE IT A LOT
BUBBLY, Thanks for inviting me to BQT. I had a lot of fun, was able to meet a lot of people in the community as well. Joining this tourney was what made me want to start to improve on osu, I wouldn't have felt the need to improve if I didn't join BQT. ALSO Thanks for all your support, am glad I got to know you more c:
Tournaments are fun c: There's a lot more tournaments that i've played/staffed in that isn't on this list LOL