GOALS: 600+ combo run on If You Can't Hang hr OWO 1/24 - i have entered 4 digits 3/25 - top 1k in USA 4/8 - my PP is higher than my rank 4/29 - HOLY SHIT CONTRAIL KISEKI SS WOW 6/1 - lol this shits fucked daidai shouldnt be worth 377 and yakusoku shouldnt be worth 350 why am i doing these horrible things to my osu account 9/2 - wow new big pp play(380pp) 9/4 - TOP 500 IN USA LETS GO BOYS 9/27/18 - THANK YOU CHIROO FOR SUPPORTER <3333333333 10/12 - 400pp choke lolololol 10/15 - 7k pp 11/5 - 405pp which happens to be a 6.99*!
1/30 - 420pp haha funny weed number 3/5 - ss 6.81* wtf 3/29 - 6.84* ss 429pp 3/31 - 10 400s! 4/7 - new top play, 444pp 2020 or whatever uhh cool game