Registered in august 2015 to try the game with FilipeSilvens, but only started playing in december 2016 with Conspo. In february 2017 I got my first 100pp play on Color and got 5 digits. In april I quit with 2.5k pp to grind mania and mapping. Reached 4 digits and top 10 portugal on mania in may 2018 only with 4K HD scores. Returned to standard in june and focused on speed, and got my first 200pp on Sweets Weekend. Bought a new laptop in february 2019 and reached 4k pp and FC'd my first 6* in april on Kira Kira Days. In july, I reached 5k pp, entered my first 2 tournaments and got donated osu supporter by DigitalHypno, which I used to change my nick to Ruvikko. I got my first 300pp in december on Fairy Tale. Grinded AR10.3 and speed and peaked at rank 21k in february 2020 and didn't play that often for the next 4 years. Started playing with tablet in 2021 and tried to learn HR, while in 2022 I focused more on low AR. Bought a new laptop in may 2023 and in july I reached 6k pp and got my first 7 star FC on Kimi no Bouken. Returned to mouse in 2024. Switched to osu!lazer in august and started playing more often to grind the daily challenges. Reached 7k pp in october. In november I got my first 400pp and 10* pass medal on Oshama Scramble.