mania右手食指有腱鞘上的问题,打不了高难度的了(打简单的也是漏勺,尤其是有右手的切),但会去打打简单的图来刷刷准度,叠和LN图。 cannot play mania well especially for some high-difficulty maps (Reform 10dan or higher maybe), since my right hand index and middle fingers have been suffering from Trigger fingers, and my A1 pulley got twice thicker than normal one, but I still play some easy maps, Jacks and LN maps.
rf7th dan clear on 2022.2.3 98.07%, 99.07% on 2022.5.1 rf8th dan clear on 2022.2.14 96.9% rf10th dan clear on 2022.4.3 96.3% alpha dan clear on 2022.5.2 96.38%, 97.44% on 2022.5.29 Luminal v2 96.12% on 2022.8.29(with a pause in gengaozo) Luminal v1 96.87% on 2024.5.07(With pauses) Never played any dan courses before 2022 I only played rank and loved maps until 2022
delta dan 0.75x 98.12% on 2022.4.17 epsilon dan 0.75x 93.64% on 2022.4.29 tachyon v3 0.9x 95.64% on 2022.4.23 luminal v2 94.4% on 2022.5.14 rf beta(paradigm shift,blue planet,kronos,time to say goodbye)95.63% on2022.7.11 luminal v3(not an official dan) 96.03 on 2022.7.15 sample zeta 0.75x 93.85% 2022.7.29 epsilon 0.75x 95.74% 2022.8.1 rf beta(paradigm shift,blue planet,kronos,time to say goodbye)96.67% on 2022.8.3 tachyon v3 92.74% with nf on 2022.8.22 gamma 94.59 with pauses on 2023.1.31
Due to my wounded right hand, I never try to clear any dan after that.(2023.1.31)
2018.7.4 Light it up[Lightning]+DT 92.72% 76w1, Galaxy Collapse[Cataclysmic Hypernova] 94.16% 81w7, and achieved top 5000 in global. 2020.9.12 Aiae SHD first nm pass. 2020.11.15 Triumph & regret [regret]+DT first pass, C18H27NO3 [Capsaicin]+DT first pass. 2021.4.25 Triumph & regret[regret]+DT first 400pp. 2021.8.10 Triumph & regret[regret]+DT first S rank 490pp. 2022.2.3 The Lost Dedicated first S rank. 2022.2.11 Aiae[SHD] first S rank, Eternal Drain[Eternal] first pass and S rank. 2022.3.11 first 500pp on Triumph & Regret[regret]. 2022.7.19 we could get...[Aural Annihilation] S rank
first 200pp: my memory is spotty, but it should be a S rank on Happy End of the World[Fullerene's 4K Catastrophic Shift] First 300pp: Light it up+DT First 400pp&500pp: Triumph & regret[regret]+DT First 600pp: HALL[NULL]+MR (640pp) top2000 reached on 2022.10.11(pp system rework buffed me about 470 in ranking) 10000pp reached on 2024.2.17 9000pp reached on 2023.7.9 8000pp reached on 2022.5.8 Reached top3000 on 2022.4.6 Top4000 reached on 2022.2.11 5000pp reached in 2020.3 Top5000 reached on 2018.7.4 Top10000 reached on 2017.5.19
I love playing rhythm games, and I spend lots of time on them, especially osu. I started play osu! in 2013 or 2014, by that time, my elder brother played osu! a lot, and I copyed his file to play osu! without logining on my home's PC. BTW, my ID is just a mis-typing version of my elder brother's ID, by that time, I can't understand English well, so I just misunderstanding something in it. pp farmer(for sometimes, and I use pauses very often when I farm pp)
Blue Archive(BTW my favorite student is Iochi Marī though my avatar is Yurizono Seia) Clash Royale Cities:Skyline Phigros CS2 Galgames(Visual novels) Muse Dash GTA series and some similar games
keyboard: 1.crazyboard 87 with silver switch on zx./ ,and red and silent blue switch for the rest(2022.2.23) 2.O3C(2023 May) 3.Wooting 60HE(2024.1.10) 4.Crazyboard 104 with brown switch(2018.9.1) tablet:CTL-672(2020 Oct) screen:1080p@360HZ At school(in week days): 1920x1200@60HZ, using laptop native keyboard