-> [00:16:367 - 00:28:367] - you are starting to be inconsistent compared to 00:13:796 - 00:16:367, since the layers in the song are not changing considering your type of hitsounding, 00:16:367 - 00:28:367 needs to be rechecked properly
tho i found on 00:27:510 (1) and forward i had to fix a little to follow the same hitsounds from the first part
-> [00:46:878 - 01:00:087] - is being hitsounded with soft-hitwhistles only which is pretty much underwhelming, so i'd recommend to add some feedback to the kick and snares
-> [01:19:166 - 01:34:969] - the song is using pretty loud electronic snares on this section and the way you hitsounded is ignoring this sample, ''please hitsound the snare!''
-> [01:34:969 - 01:51:512] - since this section of the song is no different compared to 01:19:166 - 01:34:969, please keep your hitsounding consistent
-> [01:56:498 - 02:11:154] - i feel this you are confused how to hitsound on this section so i'd recommend to put kicks on every 1/1 beat, for the quiet rims on the background i'd change the soft-hitnormal sample since it's kinda too strong for this calm part in the song
-> [02:36:326 - 03:02:121] - the normal-hitwhistle is pretty inconsistent throughout this section so i'd recommend you to redo and make them consistent on each downbeat, for example: 02:36:326, 02:38:569, 02:40:812, 02:43:055, - etc.
-> [03:08:501 - 03:49:834] - the entire section is missing out on kick and snare feedback entirely, please hitsound over the kicks: 03:08:057, 03:08:945, 03:09:834, etc., with normal-hitnormal
(https://imgur.com/a/1NjKXvB) and snares: 03:08:501, 03:09:390, 03:10:279, etc., with claps considering your selection of hitsound files
-> [04:03:826 - 04:25:841] - here you are lacking on feedback for the rims/quiet snares (whatever you call those), for example: 04:04:137, 04:04:529, 04:05:115, - etc.
-> [04:46:618 - 05:05:255] - i think the normal-hitfinish is impactful enough instead of changing the entire sampleset to normal, this inconsistent compared to [04:29:649 - 04:46:618] - , the layers are not changing that much so i'd recommend you to stay consistent on your style of hitsounding there
05:19:122 - this should have no clap
-> [05:31:922 - 05:55:922] - this section has/had drum-hitwhistles following all the snares, i think it's not impactful enough so i'd recommend you to change those snares: 05:32:722, 05:34:322, 05:35:922, - etc. into soft-hitclap
-> the section is also following the kicks way too randomly so i'd go through all of them and place them on the kicks: 05:31:922, 05:32:122, 05:33:122, 05:33:922 - etc.
subjective matters:
-> 01:00:758 - 01:14:415 - this part is being hitsounded with drum-hitwhistles and i think this is way too loud on default samples, i don't really like it because the song is pretty calm on this section so i'd give more thought into this
-> the soft-hitfinish sounds are kinda overwhelming, please change them into drum-hitfinish since the pitch is getting progressivly lower
-> [04:29:649 - 05:05:255] - would be cool to add drum-hitwhistle for the bongo sounds, for example: 04:30:103, 04:30:558, 04:31:315, etc. - for good additional feedback