As a Taiko player playing kddk i feel ridiculed by being compared to ddkk-/kkdd-players.
I wish for having a leaderboard with only kddk players, taiko in its authentic way.
This could be implemented by making another mode called osu!bongo for ddkk/players or simply banning the playstyle or whatever else comes to mind.
Changing specifically 01:32:489 and 01:33:489 from 5plets to a triple followed by a single tap would make it fit much better with the first quarter of the section, apply. Though I prefer to keep the second half of the section (01:35:989 and onwards) as continuous 1/2 1/4 as I think it's still less dense than the entirety of the section that follows it, allowing it to be a comfortable transition into the next section while also telling the player what to expect next