I'm pretty much done with this game, It's been a solid 10 years filled with memories and friends that I will never forget. I've achieved many of the goals I've set out to, some of which I never thought were possible for me when I started. I may still hop on from time to time, but I'm more or less done with trying to skill push.
Thank you specifically to Adeus, Lexii, yeeeter, Colin, EzGon, MrMochi, and pretty much all of the USA CtB discord.
Now, for an apology. I was at one point an extremely toxic member of this community, recently I like to think I've gotten better as a person, but that is no excuse for how I acted in the past to individual players and the vitriol I've spewed in the past. If I at one point in time have been a terrible person to you or have said something that has offended you in anyway I am truly sorry. I do not expect to be forgiven by everyone, or anyone for that matter. If I could do it all over again, I would've never behaved in the way that I did. I'm truly, truly sorry.
Once again, thank you for everything, I will never forget the times I've had playing this game.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
- Galatians 6:9
osu!catch: 10,000pp Achieved - October 30th
osu!standard: 6,000pp Achieved - November 5th
November 24th: Switched to Linux Mint as my OS, playing on lazer for the foreseeable future.