There's a stronger sound on this note 02:18:186 (1) -
This previous section 02:10:913 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Haves a weaker sound, and this slider 02:18:186 (1) - represents the beginning of a new section, which haves a stronger sound.
The spacing and the flow used in 02:18:186 (1) make looks the same as the previous weaker one.
As example, changing the flow by CtrlG 02:18:186 (1) - could work
02:09:095 (3) -
I think by changing this double sliderpoint to a gray on this slider looks better
03:49:914 (1) - reverse slider here can make the rhythm more understandable >
05:53:492 (2) - NC on this note makes the player understand that it's 1/6 05:53:345 (1,2,1)