modder info

BlackBN's Modding History

02:34:457 (1,2) -
make it something like ![](
02:00:122 (1,2) - 02:11:221 (1,2) -
01:33:591 (1) -
01:32:637 (2,3) -
not really sure if what i did is ok please recheck and if ok then resolve this thread
while i could agree this is not really a good intention, personally read them as walks every single time + those are still quite far from forcing a dash, i think it's fine
ok since of the metadata rework a few months ago, the space is required regardless the symbol is full-width or not. revert the change. sorry for the inconvenience.
the map should be disqualifed and you should change it
unicode title only `にーとぴあ。 (TV Size)` -> `にーとぴあ。(TV Size)`
02:39:143 (2,3) - this as well
01:02:108 (4,5) - too
really unnecessary to make the snapping complicated, they are intentionally 1/4 in the song, stuff like 01:12:278 - 01:15:226 - are also on 1/4 as well
buff hp 2
personally think it doesn't fit here
do the same structure to your other diffs IXXX as well
00:44:100 (2,1) - perferably this too
01:08:736 (2,3,4,5) -
01:06:307 (4,5,6,7) - same
applies to deluge as well
applies to overdose as well
01:20:721 (1,2,3,4) - at the same time would also suggest killing all of the hdash here so the intensity drop would not play the same as the upcoming section.
I think you are missing the `the` `I can't use left side of editor~ (>w<")` -> `I can't use the left side of the editor~ (>w<")`
applies to `can't use left side of editor~ (>w<")` & `Deluge` & `Overdose`
same thing applies to `can't use left side of editor~ (>w<")` & `Deluge` as well
could also do sth more intense in `I can't use left side of editor~ (>w<")` & `Deluge` & `Overdose` as well
03:27:921 (3) sv too high
and maybe could buff the dashes a bit
i think the hyperdash should be on 01:57:038 - instead of 01:57:215 -
id consider it as my skill issue lol and close then
i didn't mean to reopen
i fuckin love this
04:14:685 (1,2,3) - don't really like how they look so wide comparing with other 1/4 patterns in this section, consider nerf
01:27:921 (2,3) - I would not stand this since the synths are pretty active
03:27:391 (2,3) - would buff the dash here like 01:23:509 (4,5) -
(intentional to make it silly so keep)
o prefer this awy
def more close to 1/4
05:20:686 (1,1) - 05:23:157 (1,1) - 05:26:332 (1,1) -
03:11:332 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) -
or make 02:09:038 (1,2) - 1/16 triplet
01:06:921 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - should spam whistles like how you did on 01:01:274 (1,1,2) -
let's wait until mrbinking replies, shall we?
ok chill i just think it's kinda silly (which is funny yes but personally don't really like it) and not saying it's problematic (that's why this is a suggestion post instead of a problem stamp) based on this case, how about changing the diff name to "Baby, baby, baby, ohhhh" (hopefully not too many h's and no caps) instead?
salad其實呢度都要nerf, 1/2密度太高
or 2.1x like kiais