Name: Philip Age: 23 Interests: I play football since i am 3 years old and I love drawing osu!: I started playing in 2015,where i played mostly mania. In March 2017 i started playing taiko mode and in mid/end 2018 I started playing Standard. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions about me
I do not want to farm pp in osu!standard! I enjoy old maps and easy/normal diffs with fullmod or DT HD HR. mod preferences: HD > HD DT > HD DT HR > DT >>>>>>>>>> HR keybinds: n m mouse: Roccat kone aimo
I hate ranked maps (most of them) and i stopped farming pp a couple of months ago. If you have any good tech maps or sv reading challenges send them to me pls. I am also free for testplays so just ask me if you want me to play your map. ALSO: I DO NOT CARE ABOUT MY ACC I KNOW IT IS SHIT. mod preferences: HD > HR > EZ > EZ FL > DT > FL > HD HR Playstyle: yx23
Deichkind KISHIDA KYOUDAN AND AKEBOSHI ROCKETS Camellia Frums Nekomata Master Sasakure.UK lasah Asian Kungfu Generation Rings of Saturn TK from Ling Tosite Sigure Shikata Akiko Street Ata KikuoHana Kanata.N Srav3R SOIL&"PIMP"SESSIONS Richard Jacques tarolabo Sambomaster Hanazawa Kana perfume TOMOSUKE bye2
get 3 digit (done 1.6.17) get 5000pp (done 29.5.17) get 5500pp (done 12.6.17) get 6000pp (done 8.7.17) get 6500pp (done 13.10.17) get 7000pp (done 20.12.17) 7500pp (done 14.06.18) 8000pp (done 29.03.19) 8500pp (done 22.04.19) 9000pp (done 17.01.20) 9500pp (done 24.08.20) Peak Rank: 225 Participate at TWC 2018 for the German team (done!) pass every taiko holic diff (6/13 - 04.09.2018)
Suiji Cup 2023 3rd Place!
STD get 2500pp (done 10.02.2019) get 3000pp (done 21.09.2021) get 3500pp (done 21.02.2022) get 4000pp