Good Luck!
good luck aeril :D
Good luck!
All Diffs Ready for Mod!
00:57:081 (4) - ctrl + g would be nice imo
00:54:760 (1) - add finish for the hitsound in here maybe ?
00:16:639 (2,3) - fix blanket pls
00:48:131 (4) - make it like this maybe ? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/12476171
00:33:545 (1) - add finish for the hitsound maybe?
okay i will fix it!
yup i agree, decided to change it to Hytex's Extra
thank you very much❤
resolve then i guess?
Background Artist by Oshimi Shuuzou
Lots of updates, Please Redownload !! (=^w^=)
01:47:683 - not necessary
01:21:381 - all fixed!
okay fixed!
okay i did something