BPM is 172, offset is 1761 ms. You can set this by pressing f6 and changing the numbers on the left side of the panel to the ones I mentioned.
Many of the circles/sliders are not correctly in time with the music. You can fix this by changing the BPM/Offset to those numbers, changing your Beat Snap Divisor to 1/4 (you can change this in the top right corner of the object-placement screen) and then moving all your objects in the timeline so they are on the white, red or blue ticks.
You've clearly put a lot of thought into your map and patterns, so I'm kind of curious about things like 00:22:822 (1,2,3,4,5).
Given how you've structured the rhythm of other parts of the map, I would expect you to follow the vocalist more strictly (switching the order of 4 and 5). Is there a reason you didn't? It's not strictly wrong, just feels weird to have a vocal on the tail of 5 instead of actively clicking.
It's fairly consistent across various sections (too many to point out) and makes for good gameplay but it would be good to clarify just to be sure.
04:06:078 (1,2,3,4,5) etc etc. - this is a really cool stream and, unfortunately, entirely inappropriate for this section.
this is one of the calmer sections of the song, it doesn't make sense to have something that's going to test your stamina that much (at least compared to rhythm in other parts of the song)
03:11:659 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - this is more of a pet peeve than anything else, but some of your stream aesthetics are a bit underwhelming - most of your aesthetics are very consistent and clean, and this & a few others feel a bit weird by comparison. I'd try tweaking this one a bit - my recommendation is using the slider-to-stream function (ctrl+shift+f)
00:57:531 (9,10,1,2,3,4,5) - maybe a bit hard to interpret this as a 1/4 gap after the slider because the previous sliders like it were shorter like 00:55:962 (5,6), flowed into each other like 00:56:310 (1,2,3), or directly overlapped like 00:56:659 (3,4,5). maybe consider rearranging that pattern so the first slider points more naturally towards the second?
01:17:938 (3,4,5,6,7) and 01:29:101 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - another couple examples - these feels like not quite a circular curve and it would benefit from being remade using that tool
01:50:729 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) and 02:43:752 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these are somewhat better by comparison - the straight line segments work great and i couldn't tell anything off about the curves for the other
00:15:564 (1) 00:16:689 (5) 00:18:939 (2) again, more examples of this, but it would be good to go though and look for more on your own, gives you a chance to review and think about you mapping choices
00:12:564 (1) 00:14:439 (2) 00:19:689 (5) couple more examples of this. i think it would be a good excercise for you to go through and find any more like it
you also handle the rhythm and pattern variety a bit better here 02:20:884 (1,2,3,4,5) with more variety so it might be nice to change up that section a little more to be similar
something like overlapping the two sounds here - 00:37:823 (6,1) - and having the head of (1) near the tail of (6) for easier play on the less prominent melody sound makes more sense to me
you don't have to change it if you don't want to, it's just that to me it doesn't make sense to have overlaps that don't mean anything in a section of spaced out sliders
to give some contrast, i want to point out something you did well - 00:32:743 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - although they have the same clickable rhythm, these two patterns feel very different to play. the fact that they have very different movement concepts (the first being a normal triangle, the second being a back-and-forth sweep) keeps it fresh, and the fact that immediately preceding it is a different rhythm makes it feel much less monotonous (even though it is just clicking on ever 1/3 beat, it feels like there's a lot more variety)