I'm rarely doing playtesting. 9 out of 10 times I'll decline, as I'm a shitty player and usually I can't play the map that players are sending to me. I might have high ranking but damn am I bad at this game. Also, I don't know a lot about mapping so I'm not even capable of giving any meaningful feedback.
I enjoy making maps and I would really love to go for ranked, but I'm too shy to ask anyone for playtests, mods etc. I'm terrified of being criticized as well, so I guess my ranked dream won't happen >.<
AGTS 2023 - RO16 - My first tournament. I got so stressed out that I made my team lose very badly and I didn't talk to anyone for 2 days after that.
Summer Suiji 2023 - RO16 - I didn't play much and when I did, I didn't do too well. I nailed one map though and it made me proud.
TWC 2024 - QFs - My biggest dream came true. There's a whole paragraph later on if you want to read my thoughts on that.
END3 2024 - 3rd place - That was the most fun I've had in this game EVER. I never expected to get as far as I did. It was exhausting both physically and mentally, but I'm glad I participated ᕦ(✧ω✧)ᕥ
[07/04/2024] Now that TWC has ended for my team, I've decided to write down some of my thoughts here.
First of all I'd like to say, that this tournament made my feel so many emotions, some of which I don't remember feeling in a long, long time. All the happiness, excitement, motivating stress... But the most important of all - I finally felt proud of myself.
When I decided to sign up I was sure that I would play at most 2 or 3 maps during RO32 and that would be it. I was convinced that I was just going to be dead weight for my team, and the times I actually got to play, I would completely break down under the stress. I'm extremely happy, that this wasn't the case.
I thought that I'm not fit for TWC - that I don't have any skill, because I can't play speed at all and HR is the bane of my existance. But it turns out that I might not be as bad at this game as I thought.
I would like to thank my teammates for making this tournament such a fun experience. I'd like to thank my beloved Agresywny Arbuz for always cheering for me and being so supportive. I'd like to thank our opponents for making the matches a great, fun challenge. I'd also like to thank all the people noticing me during the streams - you've made me more confident in my ability to play taiko.
I'm glad my dream to play on TWC finally came true. I don't know if I'll be able to play again, but if I do - I hope it'll be as fun, as it was this year.
If you're reading this - I hope you are doing fine and you'll have a great day. Thank you.