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kaythen's Modding History

Thanks so much for your mods btw :)
Changed offset to 3 BPM has been changed to 100 with 2/4 time to emulate 6/8 time. HP and OD values changed to your suggestion Added hit-normal Changed song title to "Street Piano" Added tags, but removed "easteregg" because I don't think that's necessary. Also fixed a typo in your tags - it is "그란디스", not "그란시스" (gransis lol).
Changed the the LNs to represent piano streams so that the transition to 'Normal' difficulty is less jarring.
The reason why the strings were represented in the earlier sections and not the later ones is because the piano does not have as much impact in the earlier sections. The later parts of the music has the piano become more impactful, so I shift the focus more onto the piano by adding more notes to follow the streams/chords, and taking away notes that represent the strings. This makes the piano feel more emphasised toward the end during play.
refer - However, kept the anchors the same instead of following the pitch on the note before the new bar to make it easier to read and play as it's not the top difficulty of the mapset.
refer -
refer -
This is to minimise hitting notes with the same hand as the hand hitting the anchors so that it feels smoother to play. Following the instruments without regarding the playability isn't something I want to do. No change
Made it a quad. Rearranged surrounding notes as well to make it smoother to play
It represents the string accompaniment. The pitch does slightly change, so I've changed one of the column 1 notes to column 3 to better represent the accompaniment.
The 'anchor' here is intentional to match the piano accompaniment more accurately. The thumb would make it the most accurate, but because your hands aren't changing positions, it doesn't emulate the piano the same way, so I picked the index finger.
Adding more notes will make transitioning to 00:12:000 more awkward. I think the note density here is enough for this bit anyway.
Column 1 transitions to 00:09:600 (9600|0,9600|7,9600|2) - much better. If it is in column 2, then it feels more like a bracket, which is much more uncomfortable when using pinky, ring, and middle fingers. No change.
First pattern has been shift as the pitch is the same like you've said. However, the second one does not have the same pitch, so I left that as is.
While the balance is different, I think it's okay for this difficulty. I am a left thumb space user and it feels okay to me.
I wanted to keep the hand hitting the anchors relatively free from other notes to make the anchors easy to play but also have the pattern itself be easy to read. Unfortunately keeping the consecutive stair patterns meant that the anchors could no longer be used as one hand will be hitting both anchors and part of the stream, which can be difficult. But I've decided to enforce the anchor motif. This does mean the pattern can no longer be pure stairs, so it may be a little more trickier to read, but it should be more fun to play.
00:20:400 (20400|2,20500|3,20600|4) - Shifted to the left by 1 column
Changed! It's now a double
00:30:400 (30400|4,30500|5,30600|2,30600|6) - this section in the song has the notes ascend chromatically, so I think that pattern matches the pitch well enough. No change.
Patterns you've brought up above have made this suggestion redundant and is no longer an issue.
I originally wanted to keep the patterns like that so that it is easy to read, but it came at the cost of being comfortable to play like you've said. So I've adjusted the pattern to be smoother (hopefully) but it's a little more difficult to read. Shouldn't be too bad though.
Added note. Slightly rearranged previous 3 notes to make it more comfy to transition to pinky on left hand
Added note on column 4
The pitches aren't the same.
Stairs are an easy pattern to read compared to others. There is a 1/1 gap between each stream section per bar as required by the ranking criteria. While it is fast, this is only at the final section so it should be a little more challenging compared to the rest of the song in my opinion
Rearranged notes to be better balanced (6 > 8 > 5)
Gap is a little bigger than normal, but I think it's okay. Having the stream contain more notes would be too difficult for a normal difficulty, that is why they're 3 notes as opposed to a full stream of notes.
Changed the pattern to be descending. Changed 00:01:800 (1800|5,1900|6,2000|7) - to also descend to keep the patterns feeling more consistent so that 00:03:000 (3000|8,3100|7,3200|6) - doesn't feel as whiplash-y
While it will be more consistent with the instruments being represented, the overall difficulty of the song would be pretty hard. I feel like there needs to be a bit of a 'cool off' section right after 00:09:600 to 00:14:400 . The music is also much less intense than earlier sections so I feel that leaving the notes out will help emphasise the earlier sections much better.
The LNs were for the strings, not the piano streams. Will keep them as single notes. I did move 00:30:000 (30000|1) - to column 6 for the pitch thing
Not sure what you mean by 'compare to expert diff'. Didn't add a note to keep things on the easier side considering this part isn't really a section that warrants anything more difficult unlike earlier sections with much more things going on in the music
Moved to column 1
Not sure what instrument you're following here. The note is snapped to the percussion, which is correctly done here. The notes wouldn't flow well if I were to snap it differently.
Changed back to 1/3 snaps. Thanks for the feedback guys :)
Removed 1/1 in normal diff since as you said, most of the rhythms are 1/1. Hard is unchanged because it's still easier/less dense than chorus so I think it's still okay. Also it bridges the difficulty gap between Hard and Autumn.
Great idea! I really like this and it should've been this way from the beginning. I've kept the 31sec bit the same though since it's a little different, and a way to show the map/song going to the next section. And yeah, it's also to match up with hard diff. Thanks for considering that! Thanks again, ping!
>> Tho idk how you would go about representing the drums (particular 01:32:878 and the likes are in 1/4 but the vocals are in 1/3) - maybe some notes on left hand for them (in Autumn), or just omitting them might be viable? Well previously when it was on 1/3 snapping, having each hand represent each voice made the left hand able to play 1/2, 1/4 (percussion) while right hand played 1/3s (vocals), which felt pretty reasonable to me. So representing the drums and whatnot won't be an issue. Anyway, I'm pretty unsure about this now and will leave it open. I'll see what the BNs have to say about it. I'm leaning toward 1/3 since that's what it was initially, but I want play it safe. Thanks though, Ping!
Changed the difficulty names to Easy, Normal, Hard, and Autumn
Changed difficulties to Easy > Normal > Hard > Autumn
Hmm, alright. I'll probably just use the standard difficulty names then (Easy > Normal > Hard > Insane). Maybe name the last difficulty 'Autumn' rather than 'Insane' to spice it up? ...or would just 'Insane' be the better choice? What do you guys think?
Okay, should be fixed now!
00:29:052 - A6S_s in this diff and wind, A7S_s top diff kindly verify > Changed A6S_s to A7S_s. Should now match with top diff 01:22:011 - not super necessary but C#7S_Db7S > Added C#7S_Db7S. Also added same keysound at 01:21:399 to match with top diff. Merged W and F hitsound together into one note to compensate change Applied the rest of the changes!
Should be applied the same as 'Breeze' now!
Added kick for Autumn, but didn't add for Fall. Fall does not have any kicks on the left hand represented on the 1/4 snaps during the kiai and I would like to keep that consistent.
They were intentionally ignored because adding the notes makes the density similar to the kiai. This results in the kiai not feeling like much of a climax. Excluding the extra notes makes the kiai feel much more impactful in my opinion.