Originally started playing osu! in 2014 (offline) only because I wanted to improve my aim for things like League of Legends and CS:GO, but within weeks osu! became one of my favorite games to play because of the variety of maps and songs that were available.
I found osu! through watching Warchamp7's youtube video of him playing Loco after seeing some Minecraft griefing videos. Some of my favorite maps during the first year of online play were GOLIMAR!!, Loco, Wahrheit, Divinity, and my favorite map of all time, First Town Of This Journey.
Although I've stagnated heavily since I first started playing (and playing very little between August 2017 and October 2018) I haven't lost the same feeling of enjoyment since I first started playing.
Outside of osu! my interests are primarily video games and music, I used to read a lot, I've played sports throughout the entirety of my life so far, and am a gigantic weaboo for Touhou.
My favorite mappers are: Cheri (Hailie, DJ Lucky), RLC, Hanzer, Andrea (osuplayer111), Icekalt, Gillstar, and jonathanlfj.
I've played with mouse (Stock dell mouse LOL, deathadder, currently using DEATHADDER WIRELESS V2) and keyboard from the beginning (for obvious reasons), I bought a Star G640 tablet in July of 2019 and have switched between the two quite often, but IM NEVER QUITTING MOUSE, MOUSE GANGGGGG. As for my keyboard I play on GMMK and switch between Gateron Yellow and Black switches currently using holy pandas