Hobby: Cycling, watching (old) anime, writing, drawing, listening music, and playing PC
Some active other games: - Mobile Legends: Adventure - Muse Dash - Mahjong Soul - Blue Archive - Minecraft (Feel free if you want to invite me into your server, lol XD) - Emulator game (Game Boy Advanced, PPSSPP, RPG Maker RTP, etc...) - Yu-Gi-Oh! (Not really active, but still interesting for me
Player who really inspire my osu! gameplay: If you think my play style feel like something, they are my inspiration:
Renka (Former #1 SS Taiko from Japan. Very unique taiko player for me. His play style and skills inspire my taiko gameplay)
fulaiawaye (Former #1 SS and #1 Score CTB from Taiwan. Very unique CTB player for me, with his/her HD skill and spin)
Yaong (HDHR osu!standard player from South Korea. His play inspire me to play more songs with full version duration!)
Kiseki no Sekai (Pro osu!Mania SS and leaderboard player from Indonesia. He loves Touhou so much, that inspire me to try hard on my favourite map/songs too)
The true elite nominator! They are not too diligent (normally for all BNs). But they are very kind, and have a best qualities to consider in accepting beatmap requests. If you all read this, I want to say thank you for everything!
I've add Indonesian players that I know in that website. You can see the top rank of pp, accuracy, SS count, and etc.. If you're Indonesian player and have registered in that website but you can't find your name, just PM me
This also for someone who wants become my followers, if there is...
Important: • I'll play or online when I want.. • If at any time I'm no longer interested in this game and try to stop or quit, I will write it here • If you see I haven't been online for a long time without a farewell message, but my status is playing < Inactive >, it means I'm just doing normal offline. I'll stay online if you message me on PM, Tweet, or Discord. • If you see I haven't been online for a long time without a farewell message, and my status is still playing < Active > or < Semi-Active >, that means (probably) I'm no longer in this world, and happened suddenly :'( • If one day the note in point 4 is happens, I hope you keep remember me ♥
• Before that happens I want to say thank you very much to all my followers who are mutual or not with me. Thank you for watching my replay, playing my map, talking to me, multiplayer with me or anything! XD
No one knows how long you can life. So make sure that you can spend your time on something useful!
I prefer use https://old.ppy.sh This userpage is created with using old page view, so some pictures maybe look small on new website. But I have put the link under some pictures with larger size so you can see it if you want.
Actually, I like if someone spectating me. But it was rarely.. Feel free if you want to watching me in game. But I'm often do spam retry, so maybe it will boring XD
Feel free if you wanna talk with me. Don't worry with bad English, because I'm bad too... Also don't worry if you use the translation feature to speak. I use it too!