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Theres other releases floating around which credit artist as Yorgos Rous, which is incorrect cause Rous is the stage name of the artist, also others where του is titlecased but lowecasing it is more common in greek and also supported in one primary source so i would prefer if it was followed instead
oxi discogs re kollhte official channel Romanized using Google translate which uses the most recent ELOT romanization table afaik, should be correct for some reason they just change the kanji around but they used this to promote the anime in the PVs so its primary enough, its okay as source whole page is dead anime too old L
den to pisteuw
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yea might as well follow recent ranked, not official feat crediting is there so this is like allowance usage to get both of them there, which is fine since its already on ranked, no real need to change the ordering again for something that works
this is all magically solved if android52 replies
Alright so, i did some digging First up, Plexi's version is a rearrangement that tries to mimic the track that existed on soundcloud, length doesnt really match, the start is kinda the same but not really, its very odd. There was indeed, at some point a track called the new "new nisekoi groove" on soundcloud, there is no wayback machine url, the only proof of its existance is the automated tweets from soundcloud. this is the only proof of its existance everything else is scrubbed off, no wayback links, no nothing, I did some searching and i found an old bandcamp listing that is supposed to have the new new nisekoi groove on it according to musicbrainz that SOMEHOW sourced it as 20 tracks ( ), but the wayback listing for this album has 13 tracks, so where did those other tracks come from? ( i found a reddit post where a user was talking about how they came in contact with android52 and they sent him the entirety of FILE CORRUPTED (the album) which had 20 tracks instead of 13, which tracks with the musicbrainz listing and only thing that corroborates it ( check the first comment taken from the comment ``The man himself, android52, got in touch with me on twitter and sent me his files for WELCOME NEW GALAXY and, upon request, FILE CORRUPTED! With this, I can 100% confirm that File Corrupted is a 20 track album and that only 13 tracks were shown on Bandcamp with the rest being available only through downloading. (Where the 10 track version I had came from I have no idea)`` i managed to get my hands on the 20 track file corrupted album version and true enough there WAS a the new new nisekoi groove track and... it was a 3:40 track that is 100% different from this So, what the hell happened? Apparently android52 at some point completely rebranded and then deleted much of their catalogue, im sure the actual track named that way existed, and then was proceeded to be branded as a title oon another song, and its all very confusing. What *is* true however is that this track is indeed a very eerily similar version of the sped-up version of Welcome To Groove, a song released on the now rebranded android52 on bandcamp : This was released in 2018 There is so little information to go around anything we can do is conjecture. So this is what i think happened. Welcome to Groove is using the stems and melody from the old deleted soundcloud version and re-released on the welcome to groove disc. the soundcloud version did exist, and theres enough people going around seeing that it existed, pishi himself used that metadata taken from the soundcloud which is confirmed to exist ( (no wayback links), so by association we can assume that THIS was the audio of that soundcloud link and call it a day. There is also the oppostive side however where user Keisuke Shibata on twitter is commenting how this track is an edit of Sleep zzz from nisekoi this is corroborated by the mp3 i found that was 3:40 and is indeed a future funk remix of sleep zzz (idk if i can post audio here so like uhh trust me bro) THIS IS ALL VERY CONFUSING Using the new new nisekoi groove by association since the presence of this track is corroborated multiple times by third parties is iffy since theres also contractions, but it could work, i wouldnt personally do this, but i wouldnt bat an eye if it happened isnce information is so sparse where its IMPOSSIBLE to get any primary sourcing, the audio is just lost. There is also the contentioon of the 3:40 new nisekoi groove existing that was given to the album ver, but we dont know if android52 just deadass used that name on another track, but that track is essentially a nisekoi remix and twitter link above also supports that this might have been the soundcloud link The only way i can think of to avoid conjecture headache, since indeed this is kinda like a sped up ver of welcome to groove, and to get a better mp3 at the same time, is to get the actual welcome to groove track, speed it up to approximately the length of this mp3, and use that mp3 and name it Welcome To Groove (Sped Up Ver.), since the mp3 was changed to that officially, without getting into the specifics of what the hell the new new nisekoi groove was supposed to be, i spent more time than i thought on this, in the end i couldnt get a clear answer due to the sparsity of the information, so the best that i can do is get all the info out there so the people can read this and reach a verdict, im not really that active in this game anymore so i will probably not follow up on this or have it tracked, i was approacehd to comment on this and so i did. have a good one
omg >//////< haii :3
its a length marker denoting the version used for the game its no different than an opening of a visual novel that gets the game ver, the differentation that is marked on the album stems from the fact that this is the game version, the standardization applies, nothing is added or removed the marker just changes to a new one as per the new meta rc, other circumstances dont really factor here, this is a pretty straightforward standardization imo
Im just posting here for reference to anyone who happens to see the thread but i do think (Game Ver.) is the play here. @the consistency argument: sadly all the ranked maps were ranked before the new RC was merged (August 22nd) (i checked) There isnt any addition with markers, the rule essentially changes ``-Opening Movie version-`` to ``(Game Ver.)`` per standardization. Having a loonger version doesnt really matter. It would matter if there *wasnt* a marker. For example **if there wasnt a longer version of this song, and this version had no marker, u are not allowed to add game ver.** Game ver is one of those Markers that should be always standardized but not always added - ``If there are similar markers in a song's title, replace them with the relevant marker from the list below.`` There is indeed a similar marker that denotes game ver - ``(Game Ver.) Used to mark game versions of songs. Examples to replace include: ~Game Size~, (Game Size), game OP edit, OP Version for tracks used in games.`` OP version is also given as an example With new rules come ambiguous stuff everytime, and i understand that this is pretty much a technicality, but as per the new RC i do think changing this is the move. I did talk with the mapper before posting this and we discussed it im just posting here incase someone else wants to offer any input or at least, get some context as to why this has changed to game ver
I understand where ascendance is coming from as its quite the leap but such is the case sometimes imo. I havent heard this song in forever but assuming this is a normal shorter length cut and no rearrangement has happened then i can understand the logic behind converting <REFLEC BEAT Edition> to (Game Ver.) since reflec beat is the game and it can fall under Game Ver. standardization as per the new metadata RC. (its similar to converting the OP Version marker to "Game Ver") I assume the spirit of the rule wanted to umbrella all these markers into a clear universal osu marker for game editions. and this is essentially a conflict between the wording of **"there are similar markers in the songs title" (is REFLEC BEAT Edition that similar to game ver?)** vs. **Game ver is to be used to mark game versions of songs ("Reflec beat edition denotes game version length, shouldnt it be game version?)** and i think this is the first time where a game version length marker wasnt using the obvious formats u usually see It really comes down to where you draw the line. If you ask me i think Game Ver. is fine, someoone might think its a stretch, but i personally think it does the job well enough in the current context to convey what this version actually is track 3
I was asked to offer insight on this as the Metadata is kind of a mess with conflicting sources on Official hoyo platforms and honeyworks. The choice to use the hoyo platform formatting of ``HoneyWorks feat. sana - Aoharu Ouenka`` was on the grounds that this is the most common way to format composer/artist on osu so it was done with that in mind source: Description Source wise, this whole event can be considered as source as per RC, and the choice is made deliberately as the most recent ranked map on may 2024 used HoYoFair 2023 ( ) for that respective case so this is being used as precedent to avoid unneeded divergences and can be considered a valid source imo So yeah thats the thought process for the current metadata, its what iwould have done if it was my set and im just putting my thought process as a note for anyone that cares LMAO
source doesnt have to be consistent, it just has to come from a primary source that supports it
yea as long as its ogg q6 encoded at most, its fine
hahahaah i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me
``Shinji Orito 折戸 伸治`` too cause my goat composed tori no uta okay this is another instrumental sampled on the song this really is a mix of Tori no Uta and 戦場のメリークリスマス You should put ``戦場のメリークリスマス Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence Ryuichi Sakamoto 坂本 龍一`` in the tags, if it was up to me i would put AIR as source as most of the instrumental is from Tori no Uta, but i dont think i would bat an eye if there was no source, AIR has to be somewhere tho, be it source or tags
Thanks lexii appreciate
holy shit
Hello there, Greaper pulled me out of my cave As of writing this, there is no consesus or rule on the RC that standardizes OP Ver / Opening ver / Op ver. and any variation like this into Game Ver. or Short Ver. Looking at recent precedent as well ( ) the primary source was respected 1:1 . This makes me believe that it should also be respected here and the title be kept as `D.C. al coda (OP ver.)` But this is a great opportunity for me to direct you at the NEW SPARKLY AND SHINY METADATA DRAFT THAT MY FRIENDS HAVE MADE OVER HERE in which there is standardization for any kind of marker, should this draft be intergrated and metadata RC be rewritten ![]( This hasnt passed yet and is just on draft/proposal stages
the format of the artist is according to their preferred formatting and also the one we use rn for them in the ranked section
for anyone checking this this is the official source its a bgm ost download link from the official site which makes it a primary source ESTi is credited on the metadata of that mp3 file
my head hurts
Okay so heres the thing While the track is indeed listed as Embraced by the Flame(火車の叫ぶ夜に 英語ver), the latter part is not a marker for the track itself but rather a descriptor of what it is. 火車の叫ぶ夜に is a track present in the undead Corporation album Warrior and is essentially the jp version of this track, with japanese vocals. - track 4 2 Albums later they released Embraced by the Flame, the english version, and gave it this name, however on they side they explained how this the english ver of 火車の叫ぶ夜に relevant scan ![]( So, its counter intuitive for the song title to have both in it since this has a seperate title thats distinctive to the english version. So, rules as written, You either do ``火車の叫ぶ夜に 英語ver / Kasha no Sakebu Yoru ni English ver`` or you do ``Embraced by the Flame`` and since theres consistency set on an already valid song title, its in our best interest to keep ``Embraced by the Flame`` as title, with the relevant referential information like the jp song title in the appropriate tags
can someone pin this im not a bn
no one saw anything
dont give me kudosu dont break my streak im just putting it here so u dotn forget
wait i
convince your senpai to map more million live cause he aint listenin
yea think its fine, its better than having just the circle or incorporating Nakae Mitsuki in the circle since shes indeed under absolute castaway
Well heres the thing, Masayoshi Minoshima has dropped his jp name for song crediting for years now. He goes by just Masayoshi Minoshima for both jp and global crowds. This is a track that is before this change, so if you romanize as written this is indeed Minoshima Masayoshi. This is an awkward situation however, since if we do want to respect the formatting of that period for posterity (it has also been done with other artists in ranked) we are going to have to use Minoshima Masayoshi. As long as osu has been around, there hasnt been a single masayoshi minoshima track ranked as Minoshima Masayoshi, mainly due to the fact that all the ranked songs use tracks made after the format change. This raises two options. - use Masayoshi Minoshima to keep consistency with all the ranked maps, puttiing ranked consisitency over formatting in this case. The issue is doing this will have 2 japanese names in the title with 2 different name orders, which is funny, but sadly the case cause of our metadata rules. there are some references which allow you to use Mei Ayakura, name ALSTROEMERIA RECORDS descriptions, but i regard them kinda iffy at best, since her own fansite hasnt provided an english reading to her name. - Use Minoshima Masayoshi and break the consistency with respect to the older format he used before the alias switch, romanizing the provided primary source credit. also dont use Alstroemeria Records on the artist tab this is just Masayoshi Minoshima *from* alstroemeria that does this, i dont think this is affiliated with the doujin circle. anyway thats the way it is right now, i personally would have just shipped Masayoshi Minoshima + Ayakura Mei to avoid flipflopping plus its funny that the rules let u have two different name orders in the same artist tab XDDDD
But this begs the question, what the hell is 'kurakuto'? i Have never heard this word before, is it actually "Cracked" ? lemme find a lyric scan
You dont need official sources for romanization, theyre used as supplementary guidance *if* they exist, if they dont, metatada RC has romanization rules in place for this
rain -> overdose and then ambiguously u can count deluge? just dont have a rain give more score than an overdose
Romanization is made using modernized Hepburn and english/translated/provided title is preferential and in this case, i strongly believe Youtube autocreated romanization does not constitute a provided romanization and we should follow the streamlined procedure of romanizing the katakana provided as ``Kurakuto Little Pride`` i dont think it being all stuck together constitutes a valid title especially when all text that uses this format is most likely autogenerated. my 2c, i just happened to see this map throuhg my notifs cause it got ungraved and wanted to chip in. I think you should just treat it liked you would treat every katakana romanization, splitting the words, especially since it has 2 loan words
i hear it but these go crazy also
why didnt greaper post the goddamn scan i sent him