Hey, I am a circle-clicking meme who tries to improve but really can't read properly 10Kpp Achieved 23/08/19 11Kpp Achieved 31/05/20 (school is busy :/) Achieved 03/05/21 ss/16543563/8d0a
I have just about the weirdest play style, lemme give some context... Just like any other player I played with my index and middle fingers. I single-tapped with my middle-finger like any sane person would. I eventually hit a wall within my osu! career and was frustrated with my lack of improvement so I switched to my ring finger (for lols) and actually improved after playing with it for a bit. (for a short while I was bad, like really bad.) It don't even stop here, I then for whatever STRANGE reason I switched my single tapping finger to my index. I did this because my index felt faster and at times more accurate. This messed up everything however, I couldn't even hit triplets anymore and that's basically where I am rn lmao.
And for those who actually want to know how I play here you go (bet you didn't read what's above lmao)
Tapping Fingers: Index and middle Keys: D & F Spin: C/W Tablet: CTL-480now I have bad Huion H610 Pro XP-PEN G640 Keyboard: Corsair K70 Vengeance (Red switches) Monitor: Some Acer one that has a refresh rate of 75Hz. Area: I actually don't have an area, I use the in-game sensitivity because I couldn't figure out how to set area using Huion drivers (ik im dumb)... In-game sens: 2.99
So for once I'm actually gonna list real goals
Reach top #1500 ✔ (26/06/19) Reach top #1000 ✔ (20/07/19) Reach top #500 ✔ (24/10/19 | ss/14018505/4b4c) Get at least 2 more 400pp plays before 2019 ✔ S rank Big Black Get a map ranked Reach top 10 Thailand ✔ (12/07/19) Pass a 9* star map (no Aspire doesn't count) ✔ (14/08/19 | ss/13691811/4c24) Get a 600pp play ✔ (23/10/19 | ss/14014613/5a31) Play at least in one OWC
Play Style Tablet - Wacom CTL-480 Pen Small Huion H610 Pro Keyboard -Logitech mk270r Corsair K70 Vengeance Red switches Spin - CW Keys x/v I tried skinning Skin that i tried making :c SL 1.0 puu.sh/imWDq/ecce3a14ff.rar At the moment I am using a custom personal skin I will be uploading but keep in mind i change cursors a lot
Goals Get below 20k [completed] Get 200pp/+ [completed] Pass an AR 9 map with DT [completed] FC an AR10.3 map [uncompleted] FC a 5.5*+ map [completed] Pass Freedom Dive any Difficulty [completed] Get under 15k [completed] Pass any 8 star map [completed] Map a map and get it ranked [uncompleted] Get 150pp+ [completed] Get on leader boards at least twice [completed]