"This thing cause of unreadability for me" just because u can't read it, doesn't mean it's a problem
unless lots of people getting the same confusion like you on reading this certain slider, then yes "maybe" its a problem
i mean why cant u just use the original bg that u linked on this map's desc box? the song ain't a meme song or something
like nobody would be mad or feels weird / having concerns about it or anything but u decided to be stubborn and use yet another unfunny meme bg
as keitaro said, becanda gapapa tapi kalo udah sampe di ranked section serius ya serius, ini game bukan cuma indo doang yg maen, mereka juga paling cringe liatnya kalo gapaham sama meme nya, and its unrelated aswell with the song
00:58:494 (6) - remove finish from tail
00:58:660 (3) - remove finish
01:51:827 (5) - remove finish from tail
increase hp aswell for top diff while ur at it, hp5 is sooooo low considering its a 7* map (tho yea u got bunch of redlines left and right but hp could be increased for sure)
man i thought the timing on the ranked set is fine...
isnt it just "different people different preferences", some says the hs is fine and some says whistle kicks bad.
its not a wrong hsing technique, so holding it from going to rank just bcs u dont like it or u disagree with it is kinda eeehhhh. not the best & can be improved, but not wrong
also its basically "indirectly" forcing ur views to others aswell seeing all these lol since u actually got beef against kicks on whistles
@VINXIS Garlic Blender
Half's post should be literally the original post, hard agree. You can't just go and veto a map, says "yeah i know the mapper's intention" but then proceeds to shove in solutions that goes against the mapper's intentions and ideas. You're basically just doing "hey here's solution exclusively from me, apply it or see you in meditation"
writing stuffs rn so brb in a bit
Anyway back to the map,
01:21:443 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - as in this part i think you can choose different rhythm ( for example : https://armandokasya.s-ul.eu/u2SAtk0J ) and would still fit the idea of what you did, and you did hs the strong bass with drumhitfinish which would support the idea of it way better, instead of just circle spams
01:27:024 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - same with this
02:14:466 - for this part its better for you to map those gaps ( 02:15:513 - 02:16:559 - 02:18:303 - etc ) aswell as a circle and follow the chime aswell like what you did before on 02:03:303 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , so players won't be confused on what you're trying to follow, circle or slider its up to you if you want to follow just the chime or together with the bass sound aswell on the background
Other than that the others probably already explained it better than me, weird veto all over again
Good luck with this