03:45:579 (7,8,1) - It's absurd that you thought this was an appealing pattern or that played well, it is complete dogshit.
00:49:408 (6,7) - sliderend makes 6,7,(sliderend) follow a straight path while the rest of the stream follows a curved path
01:29:557 (7,8) - might look better with a slight curve anchor in the sliders to match the stream circumference
01:14:833 (1) - head and tail nearly overlapping doesn't look good for skins that have sliderendcircles, I'd just move the red anchor slightly farther from the head
00:41:110 kinda feels weird to not have a beat here, I don't think it needs to be a triple or kickslider to match the song's rhythms but at least a single circle would be nice...it's kinda strange without something though, the exact bottom center point of the playfield feels alright if you just want to put a circle there
If you emphasize everything you've emphasized nothing. Your suggestion is correct but for example 03:02:134 (4) could avoid skipping a drum rhythm with a sliderend but regressive rhythms can make the notes around them more impactful instead.
If this gets more criticism I may change it, I thought the first note in the chord was a bit mute compared to the rest but I don't really have a strong stance. My concern here is less about emphasis and more about players being able to hit the timing but I did think among both it's currently acceptable.
Same as 00:34:459 (2)
I'm emphasizing vocals with the current object orientation, similar to 01:49:154 (4) skipping a clap during the body. The hitsound of 01:47:629 (2) particularly is just filling in where it generically would. Emphasizing it this way also makes 01:50:869 (3) somewhat of a mini 'drop' for when the drum rhythms resynchronize with the vocals as the vocals continue to be the main emphasis. I admit the hitsound may be awkward but I wouldn't change the map for it as that is much more important. It's by no shot the only sliderend with a clap it's just the rhythmic gap.
I had many choices for this and I believe mine is my own way of making the map as engaging as possible. This is an easy section and 80% of the song can be characterized by otherwise uninteresting rhythms. In rhythm games it's extremely common to utilize different rhythms rather than just different object placement like osu is able to and I don't think different object placement would continue to keep this section engaging for the duration of the song.I believe the drawback of not expressing the song as 1:1 as possible is heavily outweighed by the added flair that keeps the map engaging during an otherwise filler section of the map. I would not do something like this in a difficult section as often to keep the map from becoming technical